Karzak wrote:the reincarnation of suzy wrote:
And if he loses, it won't be due to democratic hatred but by enough people coming to the realization that he's done very little good for the country.
ROTFLMAO, he has done far more for the country than clinton ever did.
Unfortunately the left puts style over substance.
How about this for substance? (And mind you, this is only the tip of the iceberg...) Domestic issues:
Last March GWB announced adding 21,000 jobs for the whole country in February. Compare this to President Clinton's averag of 239,000 jobs per month for all 96 months of his Presidency.
During Clinton's two terms, the median income for American families increased by a solid 15% after inflation, according to Census Bureau figures. But it rose even faster for African Americans (33%) and Hispanics (24%) than it did for whites (14%). Families in the bottom fifth of the income distribution saw their incomes increase faster than those in the top 5%. In 2002(halfway thrugh Dubya's term) median income had declined 0.8%
The poverty rate under Clinton fell 25%, the biggest eight-year decline since the 1960s. It fell even faster for particularly vulnerable groups like blacks, Hispanics and children. That hasn't happened under Dubya.
Clinton made work more rewarding with increases in the minimum wage and the earned-income tax credit, the creation of the Children's Health Insurance Program (to cover the children of working-poor families), and expanded funding for day care.
Bill Clinton lowered the national debt by $2.4 Trillion. He managed to pay off $216,000,000,000, which was the largest debt paydown in American history. National debt is OVER $7 TRILLION and rising $700,000,000 per year. Bush isn't paying it down; in fact, he is increasing it.
Bill Clinton had plenty of substance and did a lot to benefit people in the USA. Bush's substance equals blowing bubbles.