Welcome to an adult relationship.
Butterflies go away very, very fast. It's not that we aren't attracted to our partners or don't feel excitement, sexual or otherwise, when we are together. It's not that we don't miss each other. But after a certain honeymoon phase, things change.
People who care about each other and make efforts to get along can stay together for the long haul. People who don't, won't.
You sound really young. Are you out of your teen years yet? Even if you are, I'll be dollars to donuts you're not 25 yet. Or at the very least this is your first serious relationship.
A few secrets of life, no extra charge.
- The vast majority of first loves are not last loves. Most people experience at least one breakup in their lives. They can be painful but they are normal.
- Young folks in their first relationships think everything is forever. They are usually wrong.
- People between the ages of about 14 and 29 change more, and more rapidly, than at pretty much any other time of their lives. This includes their feelings about people they're in relationships with.
- Breaking up with someone you've been with a long time, by just passive aggressively trying to get into fights with them, is the coward's way out. It's better to break up by being honest with someone and say it isn't working out. Man up and at least be kind. And even if it's not your fault, take the blame. Why? Because it's a kind thing to do. And because most breakups aren't one-sided.
- Lives in transition (such as yours clearly is) need space and time. Relationships are nice, but it is usually better to let the dust settle before attempting a new relationship or reconciling an old one.
And - you were bored before. Who's to say you won't be bored again? Do this girl a favor and live your lives separately for a while. A significant amount of time, say, three months? And then reassess where you are in your lives. Hopefully you'll have a job, etc. by then. During that time, if the opportunity presents itself, date other people. The same may be true about her - and don't be jealous! You're broken up which means she's single and can date whomever she pleases.
If the three months elapse, and you miss each other more than ever, and your life is more stable, then by all means attempt a reconciliation. If the three months go by and you're having too much fun with others, then don't.