First off, the teen years suck for pretty much everybody, even the popular kids. So you're far from alone.
Second idea is, you may be coming on too strong. I can't tell as I haven't observed your interactions, but you might want to just talk to everyone. Boys, girls, teachers, parents, whoever. Nothing much and nothing too deep. It gets easier to talk to people if you practice, particularly when there is less at stake. I doubt you're interested in a relationship with your Math teacher, so talk to him. Even to just say hi in the hallways. Also, if you've got female friends, I bet some of them have brothers. Talk to those guys, too, even if they don't interest you or are too young or too old.
"Hey, how's it goin'?" costs you absolutely nothing and is easy.
Finally, one thing you can do about shyness and reticence is learn how to act. This means volunteering for Drama Club and trying out for smaller parts. You don't have to be perfect. You don't even have to be chosen. You just have to put yourself out there, and you'll find rejection far easier to take. See, one #protip from an adult - you are going to come up against rejection a LOT in your life. That's not meant to depress you; that's just life in the big city. But here's another #protip, for free - it won't break you.