Do you live in the same city as your mother?
Do you have a friend who would be willing to be with you when you meet your mother?
I personally wouldn't recommend meeting with your mother but if you feel you need to, make sure it is on neutral territory. Not in her home for sure and preferably in your home community. I'd also make it clear that the meeting is time-limited and at this point a one-off situation.
My grandmother was very much a believer in cleaving to her husband. Her relationship with her husband came before all others and it is what she taught all of her daughters and grandchildren.
this site talks about that view
Quote:There are three aspects to the statement of Genesis 2:24: 1. Leave - This indicates that in a family there are two types of relationships.
The parent-child relationship is the temporary one and there will be a “leaving.” The husband-wife relationship is the permanent one—“what God has joined together, let man not separate” (Matthew 19:6).
Problems occur in family life when these two roles are reversed and the parent-child relationship is treated as the primary relationship. When an adult child has married and this parent-child relationship remains primary, the newly formed union is threatened.
Quote: When the meddling of a parent violates the “leaving” because it is treating the parent-child relationship as primary (demanding obedience, dependence, or emotional oneness over the desires of, dependence upon, or oneness with the spouse), it should be respectfully rejected and the spouse’s desires honored.
from an interesting site
Quote:Sometimes parents don’t realize that this command in Genesis 2: 24 is as much a command to the parents as it is to the couple who are getting married.
the wording in different bible translations