In part.
The difference between the shootings you cited and this one is that this one has been plastered over all of our TV screens for days. As I said, maybe things have changed, but it the past, at least, breaking news on national networks and cable got posts.
Again, I don't think that within the context of the crime, his being a liberal is fairly material. I suppose an argument might be floated than his immersion in the liberal sphere of identity politics and victim worship exacerbated his sense that he was always getting screwed, but even if it's true, I don't think the stage is set for scores of additional "liberal" killers in the future. First and foremost, he was deranged.
In fact, I'm not really interested in the crime with one exception: His use of social media both before and after the murders.
I never expected anyone who might consider themselves liberal to post anything like "You know you're right. I wanted to post something but then I heard about the Obama button and I didn't want to give my side a black eye"
It's not even necessarily a case of not wanting to comment on the story because the guy was a liberal. It could be that when the guy is perceived to be a conservative the story is too great a platform from which to launch a rant for A2K liberals to pass on. Remember how the Aurora shooter was, erroneously, reported by ABC news to be a Tea Party member?
In any case I can now see that you are all bored by these tales of murderous gunmen and innocent victims. I'm sure that as they continue to arise they won't be commented upon in this forum.