squinney wrote:Fox- Fair point. But the people I encountered were staunch republicans that fully backed the war, and do so today even given the misinformation regarding its initial purpose - the threat of WMD's Saddam HAS, not COULD have. Now that we know he did not HAVE them, they still think it was a good thing to go to war pre-emptively because we are "fighting terror," completely dismissing that there was no connection between 9/11 and Saddam. They do favor attacking a country that has not attacked anyone.
They fully back the Republican President, which includes abuse that took place on his watch and is now being reported to have been signed off on by Rumsfeld. Whether that is true is yet to be seen. But if I offer refuge to my neighbors beaten wife (to use your analogy more appropriately) and then allow my husband to beat her, I certainly need to take some responsibility. Our president has not taken responsibility, and his Christian base is not questioning it.
I agree with the consensus. Good Thread.
I chose this post to answer because it addresses why I (and most of my fellow co-religionists) are voting for Bush and Republicans in general.
I am a 9/11 Democrat. I voted for Al Gore and most of his Democratic predecessors - for a long while now (including the 1st two terms of Paul Wellstone, may his name be remembered for good, the most Liberal Senator in Congress.)
I, like many here in cyberland, could definitely prove that Rich White Republican Plutocrats Controlled the World; politics; banks; oil; yadayada ad nauseum....
I loved seeing the nasty Republicans go insane as they foamed at the mouth, trying to eat Bill Clinton for shtupping his secretary....
It was all good fun and games and besides, look at my stock portfolio; gotta love the 90's; Let the Good Times roll.
After 9/11, I began studying Islam, politics, and the United States in particular. And I realized that we have a severe problem on our hands.
And that is Islamic Fascism.
Now, many of my co-religionists (Orthodox Jews) always felt this due to the vitriolic hatred by Islamic countries against Israel, but I always thought that maybe that was Israel's problem and not a "world wide phenomena."
I discovered that it's a big world wide problem. And, oddly enough, it's been a problem for a long time. And, bottom line, these people want to kill me!
Here is the crux of the issue:
Most people of religion make a divide between Good and Evil. Many non-religious people do not. Secular people tend to divide issues in a less stark manner.
One popular thought among non-religious people is that a Strong nation must be a Bad nation and a Weak nation must be a Good nation. It makes a certain kind of twisted sense, but it is not the view of those with religion.
An Immoral nation is a Bad nation and a Moral nation is a good nation.
Of course you can use this analogy to define the United States as an immoral nation. Naturally.
But, I believe that most religious people look at what the US (and Israel for that matter) stand for and do, and believe that it is moral.
And, I believe that most religious people look at what Islamic Fascists are doing and believe that it is immoral.
Therefore, it is incumbent for those of faith who look at the US and Islam this way to support the United States and its actions. And therefore, they also support President Bush.
This is my reasoning and there are many more like me; even many who really do not like Bush and love the "Democratic outlook" on politics (

), but are still going to vote for Bush because he is doing the "right thing."
To the best of my knowledge, this applies also to Mid-Western, Heartland, (which is where I live) Christians.