cicerone imposter wrote:McG, The question is too difficult for you, it seems. That's to be expected.
C.I., It's not difficult at all. It the will of the people. The majority of the people don't want homosexuals to be married. Therefore the government bends to the will of the masses.
On a more personal level, most people see marriage as a religious affair ( I believe it is a sacrament in catholicism) and as most religions in America do not condone homosexuality, they see homosexuality as a personal affront, they do not wish to see homosexuals being married. It really is that simple.
If the government decides that homosexual marriage is ok, they may be infringing on the rights of millions who do not believe it should be that way. That's why people like me are pushing for the civil union aspect instead of the marriage aspect. By doing so, we are not treading on any religious toes or forcing any religions to accept something they do not wish to.