Lately, as time has progressed and my boyfriend and I are getting closer (emotionally, physically and more) I catch my-self feeling insecure and jealous around other females. In addition to this, my mind starts wandering and imagines other females trying to flirt with him. The thought of this is driving me crazy and making me feel really insecure when in fact I shouldn't. Why? Well, I have a bright future ahead of me in terms of career, I am physically attractive (body, eyes, face, smile, hair) not to mention I am pretty smart and have personality. In addition to this, he hasn't given me a reason to think he will cheat on me. Other than, his past history of substance and alcohol abuse which COULD be indicative of some weak personality traits that COULD lead to cheating....
I know, in terms of physical appearance & life goals I can do way better then him. However, I still feel insecure. I did some research on-line and found that this has to do with my childhood and if my needs were met growing up. Basically mine weren' all. And so, I realized after reading, reading and some research where these feelings stem from BUT it still does not change how I feel.
Whether we stay in each others lives or not this needs to be dealt with now. I could easily get rid of him but who is to say down the road I meet another guy who is even more amazing than my current guy...the issues from within me may still creep up
So, if any of you have any experience with this and have some advice and/or recommendations please share.
What do you do to reassure yourself?
What do you do to not feel so jealous and insecure when you know you've got it going on?
Please serious replies only