kickycan wrote:So what do you guys think of the gay or straight issue?
Oh - the minute the thought enters your head, THAT is determined.
You're gay.
Quote:A while back I listened to an interview where he said that was his favorite rumor about himself. (It's nonsense, by the way.)
dunno, sounds feasible... no pain, no gain!
doesn't make ya gay, just as dating mary & her 4 sisters doesn't...
I think it depends on whether you swallow or not.
kickycan wrote:I think it depends on whether you swallow or not.
Swallowing has no place in the decision.
Just enjoy, Kicky!
yeah, who cares if you're gay? if you like it, enjoy
Don't put that in your mouth! You don't know where it's been!
I would very much hope that he knows EXACTLY where it's been!
Heehee - Kickycan, eh - well, if Kicky CAN, then he gets a kick out of him.....
isnt the tailpipe real hot? I only have trucks, do they count?
Hey, don't put a label on me, dlowan! Is it gay to get hot for smokin' bunnies?
This thread is cracking me up.
farmerman wrote:isnt the tailpipe real hot? I only have trucks, do they count?
It took me a while, but I just got that.
dlowan wrote:...We call it perversion.
... Not that there's anything wrong with that ...
Man, if I learned to do that, I'd have to learn to type with my toes and read upside-down, too. In the end, I'm just too lazy.
kickycan wrote:It's interesting that dogs and cats can reach, yet I have never seen one do it. I have seen them lick themselves, but never have I seen a dog with a hard-on going down on himself. Hmmm...what do they know that we don't?
My brother in laws dog has been caught several times licking his little pink dart. Not his berries or his butt, his twig.
It happens my happens....
Holy crap, I can't believe it, but a friend of mine told me yesterday that when he was a kid, he actually tried it. He said that the trick was that he laid down on his back, and bent himself down, kind of like a reverse somersault kind of position. I never thought about trying that. Of course he was only fifteen at the time, so I'm sure he was more flexible then.
He also said that when he came, it was very uncomfortable because it's very hard to keep that position while you're having an orgasm. And he said that when it's spurting into your mouth, it seems like a lot more is shooting out than you would think. No wonder a lot of women don't like to swallow.
Wow, this post was pretty damn graphic, eh?
That'd be "plow" in yoga.