Tue 11 Aug, 2015 10:43 pm
American Disabilities Act
Google it and you will find all the regulations.
PUNKEY wrote:American Disabilities Act
I think it's "Americans With Disabilities Act"
Anyway, try this version of the picture:
That "w=550" in the URL was restricting the size of the image to 550 pixels wide.
I imagine that SF stands for San Francisco.
No idea what "TNC" means.
On the third sign, "Uber surges" refers to "Uber's business surges"?
Transportation Network Carrier.
Does "THE SF TAXI FLEET IS A.D.A. COMPLIANT; "TNCs" are NOT!" refer to that the SF taxi fleet is compliant to A.D.A., while TNCs are not subject to the ACT so the TNC drivers are at risk of losing their protection from American government?