I look a bit like ET, I've been told
I look like no-one in my family.. I look like a mediterranean kinda fellow but i'm 7th generation australian.
Hello, Nathor! A big welcome to A2K. Enjoy!
I have my mother's face shape, small forehead and wide cheeks
My eyes don't resemble anyone!
My nose is a cross between my father's and his mother's, my grandmother.
My hair is definately my fathers... Thick-looking but thin in reality.
I have my father's hands... and his feet! Jeez I have duck feet....
I don't know where I got my height from... EVERYONE (including grandparents, aunts, uncle, cousins....) They are all under 5'2.. I'm just a mere 5'5 but I seem to tower above everyone else.
I have my mother's stubborness and my father's values...
My grandmother's defiance and my granfather's loving heart.
Looking a lot like my father's family except I have brown eyes. They my father and his family are all blonds with sky blue eyes.
My eye are from my mother and the red hair well they have told me several sordid stories about that.