Karzak wrote: 
, The name is not dick. You silly liberals and your name calling when you are wrong
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:when the district attorney and the mayor have stated they broke no law. We'll take their word.
And where did the DA and mayor say that no law had been broken? The mayor did say "They were there to get arrested. They succeeded."

They clearly stated that no law had been broken when they said they didn't prosecute because the trespassing laws didn't apply in that location and instance. It says that in black and white.
As far as the name goes, congratulations on realizing right away I wasn't using the word dick as a noun. Boy nothing gets by you. And as far as this post goes, you are dismissed.
One more time in black and white and in plain English I will cast my pearl before swine.......
Trespassing charges against two people who wore anti-Bush T-shirts to the president's July 4 rally at the West Virginia Capitol were dropped Thursday
because a city ordinance did not cover trespassing on Statehouse grounds.
Jones said the city officers who filed the trespassing charges were
acting under the direction of the Secret Service
"The officers are in a bind here," Jones said