America Bush Style

Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 12:42 pm
Yeah, right. Let's see how many protestors get into the DNC...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 01:16 pm
Sagamore wrote:

Karzak-your idea of "facts" has no basis in law. These people were in violation of no law.

Wrong, "tresspass after warning" is a law, I suggest you try a little harder to know what the heck you are talking about.
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Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 02:18 pm
So, you agree then that merely wearing a tshirt can be a disturbance. That couple went to the gathering with no other purpose than to be disruptive and garner publicity. That's it. There is no higher meaning behind their actions, they were publicity hounds seeking attention.

Am I writing English? because that's not even close to what I said. Wearing a shirt DOESN'T DENOTE A DISRUPTIVE situation. That's silly. Are we all in Grade school now where we need to have clothing restrictions as public events? If so I have a few thoughts on spandex and who should and should not wear it. I am entertained by the way you keep spinning this in order to avoid actually facing up to the fact that you don't seem to actually possess any conviction or any true understanding of the Constitution.

They were free to do as they wish, they went in, showed their t-shirts. Then the police freely escorted them out. You seem to feel that the left's rights are more important than the rights. What about the people that went to see Bush speak? Don't they have the right not to be bothered by demonstrations? Doesn't Bush have the right to be able to speak in public without protestor trying to drown him out?

The spinning show gets even more entertaining. What exactly having those shirts on would prevent Bush from speaking? Do you think T-shirts have the ability to verbalize? NO Bush doesn't have the RIGHT because he is EVERYONES president, he is employed by that couple and me and you and every American. If we PAY for his gas to fly Air Force one, for the PR drapes behind him for him being there then NO he doesn't have the RIGHT to speak without protestors Sorry. Im curious to know where you think this little stipulation exists in our constitution.

MY God man do you think before you write?

So, don't give me crap aboput not understanding rights. I understand them perfectly. Apparently, it's the morons like this couple that got arrested that aren't quite clear.

Maybe in the world that exists in the ass of GWB, but here in America and reality you have not shown that you do understand. Sorry.

Some seem to need to be reminded over and over what our constitution says

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


For those who need a refresher course.
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Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 02:26 pm
Redheat wrote:

ROTFLMAO, its so funny to watch liberals try to misrepresent simple facts.

These peoples freedom of speech rights were not violated, they were free to wear the Tshirts.

They were told to leave or they would be arrested for tresspassing. This is well within the rights of whoever put on this event. Every venue you buy tickets too has the right to revoke your ticket.

They refused to leave, so the cop did his job and arrested the two idiots.

Bush was not involved.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 02:30 pm
Redheat wrote:
So, you agree then that merely wearing a tshirt can be a disturbance. That couple went to the gathering with no other purpose than to be disruptive and garner publicity. That's it. There is no higher meaning behind their actions, they were publicity hounds seeking attention.

Am I writing English? because that's not even close to what I said. Wearing a shirt DOESN'T DENOTE A DISRUPTIVE situation. That's silly. Are we all in Grade school now where we need to have clothing restrictions as public events? If so I have a few thoughts on spandex and who should and should not wear it. I am entertained by the way you keep spinning this in order to avoid actually facing up to the fact that you don't seem to actually possess any conviction or any true understanding of the Constitution.

*sigh* I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this...

When you said "Yes unless the facility itself had a policy agaisnt profanity. Plus I would LOVE to see someone do that. Trust me there would be NO need to call the police. " What did you mean? Obviously you didn't mean what I thought you meant so flesh it out so I can understand you.

Redheat wrote:
They were free to do as they wish, they went in, showed their t-shirts. Then the police freely escorted them out. You seem to feel that the left's rights are more important than the rights. What about the people that went to see Bush speak? Don't they have the right not to be bothered by demonstrations? Doesn't Bush have the right to be able to speak in public without protestor trying to drown him out?

The spinning show gets even more entertaining. What exactly having those shirts on would prevent Bush from speaking?

Those shirts would lead people like me to distraction. It may lead people not like me to become loud and obnoxious towards those that would chose to enter a lion's den wearing sausage around their necks.

Redheat wrote:
Do you think T-shirts have the ability to verbalize? NO Bush doesn't have the RIGHT because he is EVERYONES president, he is employed by that couple and me and you and every American. If we PAY for his gas to fly Air Force one, for the PR drapes behind him for him being there then NO he doesn't have the RIGHT to speak without protestors Sorry. Im curious to know where you think this little stipulation exists in our constitution.

You want to take the rights of others away so that a select few can express themselves. You seem to believe that the rights of some are more important than the rights of others. You seem confused and bewildered by the idea that though we all have the freedom of speech, we don't all have the right to speak freely as we choose.

Redheat wrote:
MY God man do you think before you write?

So, don't give me crap about not understanding rights. I understand them perfectly. Apparently, it's the morons like this couple that got arrested that aren't quite clear.

Maybe in the world that exists in the ass of GWB, but here in America and reality you have not shown that you do understand. Sorry.

Whatever. Arguing with you is equivalent to farting in the wind.

Redheat wrote:
Some seem to need to be reminded over and over what our constitution says

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


For those who need a refresher course.

Where in there does it say that others have to listen to what anyone says and that they have the right to speak when and where they choose?

You obviously don't get the issue here.

Surely you have heard that yelling fire in a movie house is against the law, correct? "but what about freedom of speech?" you ask? No one is saying that idiots can't say what they want, it's where and when they can say it. If they want to yell about Bush having craps and being a child molester, they can. At the right time and at the right place.
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Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 02:36 pm
You wouldn't think I'd have to do this but here I am


1. law enter somebody else's land unlawfully: to go onto somebody else's land or enter somebody else's property without permission

2. law cause injury: to cause injury to the person, property, or rights of another

3. encroach on somebody: to intrude on somebody's privacy or time

4. break a moral or social law: to commit a sin or break a social law ( archaic


Let's look at the key words here and see if they fit shall we?

1) unlawfully- They had tickets, it was a public event and everyone else was wearing poltical T-shirts. What part of what they did was unlawful?

2) Cause Injury- Where did they injure anyone?

3) Encroach- Public event no privacy there

4) Break a moral or social law- Wearing a T-shirt negative to Bush is not breaking moral or social laws at least not here on planet earth I do understand the rules could be different on "Righty Planet" (also known as the inside of Bush's ass)

Really you guys are a hoot. Let's see what we have thus far.

They were "trespassing" but if you don't actually go by the real meaning of "trespassing"

They were asked to leave..........but why? what would allow the police to do this? what law? are we to allow the police to do as they please with no accoutability?

I've not seen anyone address the issue of the man being fired for simply wearing a T-shirt.

I would also like to point out that this isn't the ONLY incident of this kind. There cases all over the country where people were PREVENTED from lawfully protesting. I don't know where this falls on the righties Democracy meter but I consider it a pretty important infraction.
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Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 02:41 pm
like farting in the wind....

don't give me crap......

enough of your BS.......

anyone besides me see a real trend in McGentrixs' hought processes?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 02:46 pm
When you said "Yes unless the facility itself had a policy agaisnt profanity. Plus I would LOVE to see someone do that. Trust me there would be NO need to call the police. " What did you mean? Obviously you didn't mean what I thought you meant so flesh it out so I can understand you.

Say this with me F A C I L I T Y. Which means if the event had to abide by the policy that existed in the FACILITY. Which wouldn't allow profanity. I find it interesting that this is the example you came up with, woman issues there?

What I meant is if you walked into a room of woman with that T-Shirt the police would not be needed. The woman would take care of it and wouldn't lay a hand on you! Cool

Those shirts would lead people like me to distraction. It may lead people not like me to become loud and obnoxious towards those that would chose to enter a lion's den wearing sausage around their necks.

Your inability to focus is irrelevant. As far as I know the First Amendment doesn't denote a stipulation that requires people to ensure idiots can focus. If it's there then please point it out. Rolling Eyes

Whatever. Arguing with you is equivalent to farting in the wind.

We seem to have found a point of agreement. Your debating skills are the equivilant to one who is boxing the air and when they are fatigued go around bragging at their prowess in knocking the "air" out. You give as much intellecutual stimulation as that "air" gave you physical resistence.

Where in there does it say that others have to listen to what anyone says and that they have the right to speak when and where they choose?

You don't have to LISTEN that's not the issue. However Bush doesn't have the RIGHT to prevent a lawful, peaceful protest. Othewise his not wanting to "see" protestors reeks of a man who considers himself King not President.

You obviously don't get the issue here.

Yeah I don't get it Rolling Eyes

Surely you have heard that yelling fire in a movie house is against the law, correct? "but what about freedom of speech?" you ask? No one is saying that idiots can't say what they want, it's where and when they can say it. If they want to yell about Bush having craps and being a child molester, they can. At the right time and at the right place.

LOL LOL LOL are you comparing this to yelling fire in a movie house? which is illegal btw way BECAUSE IT CAN CAUSE INJURY.

I have NO idea what point existed in that last part my only assumption could be that you were going for the zinger and failed miserbly.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 02:47 pm
Redheat wrote:
You wouldn't think I'd have to do this but here I am

Yep, you would think that you would understand the simple concept that once their actions made the event management invoke the right to revoke their tickets, they were trespassing!

It is such a simple concept, why don't you get it?
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Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 03:20 pm
Reminds me of a time awhile back Clinton was in Albuquerque and I was denied admittance because I refused to take a Clinton/Gore sign at the gate.
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Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 04:44 pm
I notice that my report of my daughter's experience with an antiabortion protestor was not remarked upon.
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Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2004 06:10 pm
You can't blame the president for everything that you disagree with. Sure they were protesting Bush so it had to do with him, but it was not his fault that they were arrested. In the constitution it says that slander against the president is illegal. I do disagree with the fact that they were arrested because they didnt do anything harmful, and werent directly threatning his life. You cant blame a president for their arrest though.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2004 07:08 am
whatthewtf wrote:
You can't blame the president for everything that you disagree with. Sure they were protesting Bush so it had to do with him, but it was not his fault that they were arrested. In the constitution it says that slander against the president is illegal. I do disagree with the fact that they were arrested because they didnt do anything harmful, and werent directly threatning his life. You cant blame a president for their arrest though.

Could you please point to the specific passage in the Constitution that says that? Laughing Laughing Laughing

I blame the President because he DOES support these actions, and until such time as he pubically denounces them and we stop seeing them in such abudance I will continue to blame him.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2004 07:29 am
If not this, I am sure it will be something else. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2004 09:13 am
Redheat wrote:

I blame the President

Oh, we know. You would blame the president for the extinction of the dinosaurs if you could, rabid bush bashers are that way.

Reasonable people however blame the two criminals for their own act of tresspass.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2004 03:39 pm

they broke no laws....the charges were immediately dropped......the local law was under pressure from the secret service.....the secret service is being monitored....they have agreed to stop this practice because it's ongoing at different places.......

start spinning boys......
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2004 03:44 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:

They did break the law, they just are not going to get prosecuted, two entirely different things.

It worked out well, they got arrested, which looks to be what they wanted, and now everyone gets to go home happy.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2004 03:47 pm
Trespassing charges against two people who wore anti-Bush T-shirts to the president's July 4 rally at the West Virginia Capitol were dropped Thursday because a city ordinance did not cover trespassing on Statehouse grounds

Like the article states.......no laws broken......
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2004 04:03 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Trespassing charges against two people who wore anti-Bush T-shirts to the president's July 4 rally at the West Virginia Capitol were dropped Thursday because a city ordinance did not cover trespassing on Statehouse grounds

Like the article states.......no laws broken......

No city law was broken, or more likely the law was not precise enough, but I don't have a copy of charlston law to verify the law. West virginia state law certainly could be applied, but there was no reason to pursue it, the two troublemakers were leaving the state and had learned their lesson.

§61-3B-3. Trespass on property other than structure or conveyance.

(b) If the offender defies an order to leave, personally communicated to him by the owner, tenant or agent of such owner or tenant, or if the offender opens any door, fence or gate, and thereby exposes animals, crops or other property to waste, destruction or freedom, or causes any damage to property by such trespassing on property other than a structure or conveyance, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail for a period not to exceed six months, or both such fine and imprisonment.
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Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2004 04:07 pm
Karzak wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Trespassing charges against two people who wore anti-Bush T-shirts to the president's July 4 rally at the West Virginia Capitol were dropped Thursday because a city ordinance did not cover trespassing on Statehouse grounds

Like the article states.......no laws broken......

No city law was broken, or more likely the law was not precise enough, but I don't have a copy of charlston law to verify the law. West virginia state law certainly could be applied, but there was no reason to pursue it, the two troublemakers were leaving the state and had learned their lesson.

§61-3B-3. Trespass on property other than structure or conveyance.

Give it up dick, they dropped the charges because there weren't any to prosecute....end of story. We don't need you to verify the law when the district attorney and the mayor have stated they broke no law. We'll take their word.

(b) If the offender defies an order to leave, personally communicated to him by the owner, tenant or agent of such owner or tenant, or if the offender opens any door, fence or gate, and thereby exposes animals, crops or other property to waste, destruction or freedom, or causes any damage to property by such trespassing on property other than a structure or conveyance, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail for a period not to exceed six months, or both such fine and imprisonment.

Give it up dick, they dropped the charges because there weren't any to prosecute....end of story. We don't need you to verify the law when the district attorney and the mayor have stated they broke no law. We'll take their word.
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