Strictly speaking, you've already had sex. Many kinds of sex, isn't entirely about penetration (as lesbians can tell you heh.)
In all likelyhood you both live somewhere sex at your ages is going to be illegal. So I'd STRONGLY suggest NOT tying her up. Have to assume people will find out eventually and cover your ass not doing things that might look worse when they do. If you can both wait until legal, you should. If her parents find out and spaz out you're royally fucked. Could be convicted of statutory rape and have to register as a sex offender if your state doesn't have a close in age exemption for underaged sex. If you tell me which state I can find out and offer better advice in this regard.
If you're resigned to doing it regardless, are numerous how-to pornos online you can take a look at to learn how to do the things she wants, as with oral pleasuring. But the main thing is a woman's sexual pleasure is entirely centered on her clitoris. It's the little button sorta thing at the top of her vulva. Whole of her "pussy" is actually the vulva, entrance to the birth canal her vagina, between vagina and clitoris her urethra (where we pee from,) and then the clitoris at the top of the "slit."
Though like our penises, a woman's clitoris is internal instead of external like us. The very tip of it is covered by the clitoral hood which is similar to a guy's foreskin over his penis in it can retract exposing more of the clitoris. Don't need to worry about that though as any direct contact will be akin to someone taking their fingernail and caressing the head of our penis. Once a woman's been arroused from foreplay (hugging, caressing, kissing, etc.) you can move to her clitoris. But going to it right away will be less than ideal. Like someone trying to give a guy pleasure while his penis is soft. Also like us, when women orgasm the clitoris fires off over 7000 nerve endings making it too sensitive to continue stimulating until it calms back down. Unlike guys though, women aren't done when they orgasm so much as are ready for more. So my advice is always help your female lovers get off before worrying about yourself. Once we cum we're basicly done for a little bit. So giving is better than getting if you wanna get ever again
Making women orgasm has nothing to do with our penis. It's all about their clitoris. Can massage and masturbate them (ask her to demonstrate how she pleasures herself, everyone's a little different, then do it for her as she does it for herself,) kiss and lick and suck them, or use a vibrator near or directly against the clitoris to make em pop. Our penis in their vagina feels good for both of us, but isn't what makes a woman orgasm. There's just nothing inside the vagina that results in orgasmic pleasure. It's where babies come from so nature deemed an absence of nerve endings a good idea.

Well, there is kinda, but that's much more complex and not something 'newbies' need to worry about. No offense, just don't want you to hurt her insides.
Be sure to use a condom. Both to keep her from getting pregnant, but mostly since at 15 you probably haven't been tested for HPV which 40% of guys carry. Isn't a problem for us, but once transmitted into women it's the primary cause of cervical cancer. You wouldn't know if you had it without being tested for it.
Once you're together and going at it, remember to take your time, go slow and carefully paying attention to her reactions to everything going on. Nothing should ever hurt. If something hurts stop. Do something else. So many people's first time having sex is so horrible it scars them both for the rest of their lives. If you're gonna do it, fine, but be careful and go slow.
If for some reason her vagina's too tight to comfortably receive your penis, or pushing through her hymen is too painful, can try lying on your back with her on top, have her rub her clitoris against your penis sliding back and forth. Can both orgasm this way without the bother of hurting her pushing through her still too tight hymen.