How does the Bible show that the dead are conscious of nothing?

The Anointed
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 08:09 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Okay...so you are saying that Heaven and Earth have passed away.

Good heavens you're a dumb kid, and you prove to all that you are incapable of comprehending that which you have read.

Only when the (TORAH=THE LAW) which is all the prophecies written therein have been fulfilled will the Heaven and the earth pass away.

Only when all physical life forms on earth have been incinerated, as revealed in the Law by the prophet Zephaniah 1: 2-3; Where it is written; "The LORD said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy the whole human race, and no survivors will be left. I, the LORD, have spoken." and there are no observers, all that there will be, is a swirling shimmering cosmic cloud of photons, which an observer, with created eyes, ears, tongues, nostrils, nerve end etc, etc, would perceive as the physical universe.

Are you that dumb, that you don't understand that if a tree fell in the forest, without an observer, with created senses, there would be no sound, only invisible shock waves traveling though the cloud of swirling photons.

One needs the created senses to pick up those waves, which are then converted to electric pulses that travel to the created brain, where these invisible shock waves are perceived as sound.

No wonder you have wished for a different life, a different body in which a new and more intelligent mind can evolve, because YOU (That MIND) which invades this forum, don't know too much, does it?
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 12:15 am
@The Anointed,
1:Peter 2:22….The Anointed…

Please provide your scriptural evidences of the imperfection of Jesus…..still waiting…
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 01:28 am
My view is that when the Christian scriptures refer to perfection or imperfection relating to sin then it is absolutely clear what it says….we are sinners and Jesus is sinless.

That’s what it says The Anointed…….

Are you saying that you don’t agree with what it says?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 01:33 am
The Egyptians thought up the idea of the sacrificial god long before the Bible got round to it.

Osiris, (and Marduk and Wotan,) all sacrificed themselves to rise from the dead before Christ.

Christ was more of a tribute act than anything else.
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 01:52 am
I do understand izzythepush…can you provide any evidences that they did rise from the dead though?…or are they still waiting as the Christian scriptures state.If they haven’t then it might be because they were sinners having not kept the Ten Commandments perfectly.
The Anointed
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 02:21 am
“Please provide your scriptural evidences of the imperfection of Jesus,”

You have been asked before to reveal the scriptures that say; "That Jesus has done it all in keeping the Ten Commandments perfectly" you have not as yet revealed those verses and you never will, because the only place that erroneous statement exists, is in the mind of the biblically ignoramus, who goes by the name, 'Jasper10.'

And 1 Peter 2: 22; “He committed no sin” does not reveal the scripture where you have claimed that “the scriptures that say; "That Jesus has done it all in keeping the Ten Commandments perfectly" We know that Jesus committed no sin, but he would have, if he had been obedient to the black and white written letter of the Law, and refused to heal the six and crippled on the Sabbath, which work of healing was a sin according to the written third commandment.

Of those Jews who believed that to break one letter of that written law of the 10 Commandments, Jesus said in John 16. That those people are wrong about sin. The reasons why Jesus worked his healings on the Sabbath and plucked grain on the Sabbath, which was a sin according to those Jews, was accounted to him as righteousness, and if you don’t believe that, then you are condemning Jesus as a sinner for breaking the written commandments, and that Peter was wrong to say the Jesus, who broke the third commandment, committed no sin.

So, make your mind up kid, did Jesus, sin by breaking the third written commandment, or was he sinless as Peter has said?

Well, I’m not in the habit of answering a question while I am still kept waiting for an answer to my question, which you have not, and cannot answer, because the scripture which you said reveals; "That Jesus has done it all in keeping the Ten Commandments perfectly" does not exist.

But because you are the biblical ignoramus and scripture twister that you have revealed yourself to be, I will once again answer your question, which is; “Please provide your scriptural evidences of the imperfection of Jesus,” the question that I have answered before, but because of your childish mentally, you were unable to comprehend.

Hebrews 5: 7-10; In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. But even though he was ‘A’ son of God, he learnt through his sufferings to be obedient. WHEN HE WAS MADE PERFECT, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.

So, in answer to your question, which I have already answered, is; “He was not perfect until he was ‘MADE PERFECT’ through the sufferings that he endured.

Now run along like a good little fellow and find someone of your own low intelligence to annoy, because I'm getting so bored with your ridiculous rubbish.
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 02:44 am
@The Anointed,
The scriptures say Jesus was perfect and remained perfect even through all the sufferings he endured.

You need to tune into what the scriptures actually say rather than make up what you want them to say.

You don’t have to believe what they actually say for sure.
The Anointed
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 03:43 am
The scriptures say Jesus was perfect and remained perfect even through all the sufferings he endured.

The scriptures say that the imperfect Jesus 'WAS BROUGHT' to perfection by the suffering that he endured. Hebrews 5: 8-10; "But even though he was 'A' son of God, he learnt through his sufferings to be obedient. 'WHEN HE WAS MADE PERFECT, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.

You need to tune into what the scriptures actually say rather than make up what you want them to say.

Please keep revealing yourself to all who follow this thread, to be the blind foolish and biblical ignorant scripture twisting sick puppy that you are.

You don’t have to believe what they actually say for sure.

Of course I don't 'HAVE' to believe the scriptures, I could be a dumb biblical ignoramus, just as you appear to be, and refuse to believe the scriptures which state that the imperfect Jesus was brought to perfection by the sufferings that he endured.

No good telling you to ping off and annoy someone else, because you are determined to continue revealing yourself to be the biblical ignoramus that you are. You poor child.

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 03:54 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Okay...so you are saying that Heaven and Earth have passed away.

Good heavens you're a dumb kid, and you prove to all that you are incapable of comprehending that which you have read.

Only when the (TORAH=THE LAW) which is all the prophecies written therein have been fulfilled will the Heaven and the earth pass away.

Only when all physical life forms on earth have been incinerated, as revealed in the Law by the prophet Zephaniah 1: 2-3; Where it is written; "The LORD said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy the whole human race, and no survivors will be left. I, the LORD, have spoken." and there are no observers, all that there will be, is a swirling shimmering cosmic cloud of photons, which an observer, with created eyes, ears, tongues, nostrils, nerve end etc, etc, would perceive as the physical universe.

Are you that dumb, that you don't understand that if a tree fell in the forest, without an observer, with created senses, there would be no sound, only invisible shock waves traveling though the cloud of swirling photons.

One needs the created senses to pick up those waves, which are then converted to electric pulses that travel to the created brain, where these invisible shock waves are perceived as sound.

No wonder you have wished for a different life, a different body in which a new and more intelligent mind can evolve, because YOU (That MIND) which invades this forum, don't know too much, does it?

First, a general comment: Some of the most hilarious things posted on A2K...are your protestations that others are being insulting and demeaning...when post after post from you to others are primarily insults demeaning the intelligence of those others...primarily because they point out the vacuous nature of your "reasoning."

Okay, with that out of the way:

You are suggesting that "the law" is just "fulfilling the prophecies"...and only when that happens will Heaven and Earth pass away.

Well..."THE LAW" is a hell of a lot more than just the prophecies...and you know that. But you are the kind of person, who if the fairy tale Goldilocks needed revision in order to make some silly point you want to make...would make Goldilocks to be a brunette!

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you: UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER OF THE LAW, NOT THE SMALLEST PART OF A LETTER, SHALL BE DONE AWAY WITH UNTIL IT ALL COME TRUE."

Matthew 5: 17ff

SO ALL OF THE LAW STILL APPLIES, because as we all know, the Earth has NOT passed away. As for Heaven, I'll leave that to your blind guessing.

You are a jerk. I toy with you only because you are useful. You show "the religious" for what they so often are...shallow, vacuous, spiteful, angry people.

I enjoy seeing religious advocates informing of that.

I love ya. Stick with me. We'll go far together.

Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 05:16 am
As much as you can for Jesus.

The Bible is proof of nothing.
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 05:49 am
@The Anointed,
Well as far as I can tell……the Christian scriptures say what they say my friend and it ain’t what you’re selling in the forecourts..
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 05:49 am
@Frank Apisa,
You are a jerk. I toy with you only because you are useful.

There you go again, hurling insults at me, and then get all offended and upset you poor darling, who loves me so, when you receive that which you sow.

You are suggesting that "the law" is just "fulfilling the prophecies"

You poor lying sod. Never did I say that "the law" is just "fulfilling the prophecies,” what I said was, that the Law is the Jewish Torah, which law includes the prophets.

There’s a lot of difference there. from your filthy lie, in which you suggest that I said that ‘ THE LAW’ is JUST "fulfilling the prophecies". You lying animal, you just can’t help yourself, can you?

Well..."THE LAW" is a hell of a lot more than just the prophecies...and you know that.

Of course, I know that the TORAH, which is the Jewish law, of which the words of the prophets are included, is a lot more than just the prophecies. And I also know that Jesus said; "UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER OF THE LAW, NOT THE SMALLEST PART OF A LETTER, SHALL BE DONE AWAY WITH UNTIL IT "ALL" COME TRUE." Which includes all that the Lord revealed that is still to occur in our future, as spoken through his righteous prophets.

Let me repeat once again' "Good heavens you're a dumb kid, and you prove to all that you are incapable of comprehending that which you have read."

SO ALL OF THE LAW STILL APPLIES, because as we all know, the Earth has NOT passed away.

No, you poor ignorant sod, 'ALL' the LAW does not still apply, for God has done away with the old covenant that he had made with the Jews, and any intelligent person, 'which excludes you', who has ever read the scriptures, will know as revealed in 2 Corinthians 3: 16; that it is he (Jesus) who made us capable of serving the new covenant, which consists not of a written law, but of the Spirit. The written law brings death, but the Spirit gives life.

If you, knowing the concealed position of a young person hiding from a mob of thugs, and out of fear of breaking the written law and condemning your immortal soul, you refuse to break the written commandment which said “Thou shalt not Lie” and instead of lying to the thugs, you reveal his hiding place, and the poor kid receives a flogging within an inch of his life.

Do you think that your actions according to the written letter of the law, will be judged as being righteous? NO! You will be condemned as being a sinner, while another who lies to protect the life of the innocent lad, even having broken the black and white letter of the law, while adhering to the spirit of the law, will be judged, as being righteous.

But that may be too difficult for one such as you to comprehend. Those who are obedient to Jesus are obedient to the spirit of the law, not to the black and white written letter of the law, which can only bring death.

And the ten written commandments is not ‘ALL’ the law.

And it is not until ‘ALL” the law, which includes the prophecies, have been fulfilled that only then shall the heavens and earth will pass away before, as it is written, God will create for us a new Heavens and a new earth, in which the righteous will dwell.

Now you can ping off and invent some new lies, and reveal to all that which we know that you are.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 06:06 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

You are a jerk. I toy with you only because you are useful.

There you go again, hurling insults at me, and then get all offended and upset you poor darling, who loves me so, when you receive that which you sow.

I do not get offended and upset. I get delighted. You are doing what I want you to do. And you cannot stop. You are compulsive...so I know I can inform you that you are playing into my hands...without losing you for my purposes.

For me this is win/win. For you...not so much.

You are suggesting that "the law" is just "fulfilling the prophecies"

You poor lying sod. Never did I say that "the law" is just "fulfilling the prophecies,” what I said was, that the Law is the Jewish Torah, which law includes the prophets.

No...you absolutely did not do that. Read what you actually wrote. You are the liar.

There’s a lot of difference there. from your filthy lie, in which you suggest that I said that ‘ THE LAW’ is JUST "fulfilling the prophecies". You lying animal, you just can’t help yourself, can you?

Calm down, liar. You are making this too easy and enjoyable for me. You should not be making this any easier or more enjoyable for me than necessary.

Well..."THE LAW" is a hell of a lot more than just the prophecies...and you know that.

Of course, I know that the TORAH, which is the Jewish law, of which the words of the prophets are included, is a lot more than just the prophecies. And I also know that Jesus said; "UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER OF THE LAW, NOT THE SMALLEST PART OF A LETTER, SHALL BE DONE AWAY WITH UNTIL IT "ALL" COME TRUE." Which includes all that the Lord revealed that is still to occur in our future, as spoken through his righteous prophets.

Let me repeat once again' "Good heavens you're a dumb kid, and you prove to all that you are incapable of comprehending that which you have read."

According to the fairy tale, if the Earth and Heaven have not pass away (at least the Earth has NOT)...then all of the law still applies. EVERY LETTER OF THE LAW...EVERY PART OF A LETTER!

So...ALL OF THE LAW STILL APPLIES. Which is what I have said from the start.

SO ALL OF THE LAW STILL APPLIES, because as we all know, the Earth has NOT passed away.

No, you poor ignorant sod, 'ALL' the LAW does not still apply, for God has done away with the old covenant that he had made with the Jews, and any intelligent person, 'which excludes you', who has ever read the scriptures, will know as revealed in 2 Corinthians 3: 16; that it is he (Jesus) who made us capable of serving the new covenant, which consists not of a written law, but of the Spirit. The written law brings death, but the Spirit gives life.

Now you are quoting Paul...when you have the words of Jesus to quote. Jesus says the entire of the old law still applies. Paul says differently.

You have a choice...as I have pointed out several times. You can go with the ranting of Paul...and consider Jesus to be a liar...or you can go with the words of Jesus.

Your choice, Genius.

If you, knowing the concealed position of a young person hiding from a mob of thugs, and out of fear of breaking the written law and condemning your immortal soul, you refuse to break the written commandment which said “Thou shalt not Lie” and instead of lying to the thugs, you reveal his hiding place, and the poor kid receives a flogging within an inch of his life.

Do you think that your actions according to the written letter of the law, will be judged as being righteous? NO! You will be condemned as being a sinner, while another who lies to protect the life of the innocent lad, even having broken the black and white letter of the law, while adhering to the spirit of the law, will be judged, as being righteous.

But that may be too difficult for one such as you to comprehend. Those who are obedient to Jesus are obedient to the spirit of the law, not to the black and white written letter of the law, which can only bring death.

And the ten written commandments is not ‘ALL’ the law.

And it is not until ‘ALL” the law, which includes the prophecies, have been fulfilled that only then shall the heavens and earth will pass away before, as it is written, God will create for us a new Heavens and a new earth, in which the righteous will dwell.

Now you can ping off and invent some new lies, and reveal to all that which we know that you are.

No need to lie when dealing with the likes of you. You do more to show that your arguments are bullshit than anyone or any thing else can do.

You are a failure...doing more damage to your cause than your perceived enemies.

That is why I love you so.

Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 08:25 am
Who’s talking about proof?…..I’ve never referred to proof..I only refer to logic output possibilities.

Claiming that good is bad and bad is good as a fact is ridiculous without definitive proof….the statement can be referred as a possibility but so can the statement that good is good and bad is bad

If good is good and bad is bad then there is the possibility of a difference between the two and absolute rules applying.Even the Egyptians as you have already mentioned weren’t stupid enough to dismiss this possibility.

The issue it would appear is that their supposed God’s couldn’t keep the rules they came up with perfectly.

Rules weren’t invented by the Egyptians ……anyone who considers that good is good and bad is bad as a possibility could come to the same conclusion that absolute rules may apply.
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 11:29 am
You asked for evidence, and there’s as much evidence Osiris and Marduk and Wotan rose from the dead as there is for Jesus.

Where’s your evidence the Egyptians didn’t come up with the Ten Commandments?

Do you have an earlier source?

You’re very good at rubbishing other religions, but for some reason you accept it wholesale when the very same nonsense is dressed in Christian clothes.

I’ve not said anything about good and evil I spoke about the 10 Commandments and the Sacrificed god. You’re doing what religious fanatics always do when faced with something they can’t explain. They change the subject by going off on a tangent.

Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 11:45 am
Keep believing what you want izzythepush….as I say at least the Egyptians weren’t stupid enough to dismiss the possibility of there being absolute rules.

Good is Good and Bad is Bad logic possibilities brings one to that conclusion.

Buddhism dismantles SELF… period.
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 12:08 pm
You still keep changing the subject.

What the **** has any of this got to do with Buddhism?

Where’s your proof about the 10 Commandments not being Egyptian?

You don’t have it and you're too dishonest/cowardly to admit it.

Your obsession with binary code is absurd.

The Egyptians were smart enough to see the value of truth, something you appear entirely indifferent to.
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 12:26 pm
As I have mentioned in previous posts I use binary to explain things logically.

Good and Bad may be different izzythepush….neither you ..me or anyone else can provide definite proof to counter it.The same goes for if Good and Bad are the same.

Hence the logic out put possibilities izzythepush…that’s all they are.

If Good and Bad are different then that may have always been the case and absolute rules could apply….as I say even the Egyptian’s weren’t STUPID enough to dismiss this possibility.

Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 12:30 pm
Your use of binary is meaningless, it has nothing to do with logic just your own idiosyncrasies.

Whenever you use it, I turn off, and I suspect most people do.

You still have not answered any of my questions, you just keep going off on tangents.

You should knock the binary thing on the head, it makes you look a bit touched, honest.
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2021 12:38 pm
Come on…Izzythepush….it’s only meaningless if you believe that Good and Bad are the same having dismissed the alternative possibility which the Egyptians clearly didn’t do.

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