this happened to me too.
I fall for a homless guy. Their vulnerabilities are charmy at first and you feel that you are doing a good deed. But she has to work her problems tp get back on her feet herself.
Don't tell me that in back of your mind you are not feeling that something is not right, cuz you wouldn't asking for advice in here then.
examine your feelings in an honest deep way.
Don't date her, and if you want to do it give yourself time to do it.
one powerful advice i can give you is
1- look how she acts arround friends, church etc
2- observe her will power to overcome homelessness ( mean what is it that she is doing to get out of the circle)
facts. facts facts
3 - is she the type that rather go on food stamps the go look for a job, even if she gets minimun wage ( will tell you about her pride) and attitude in life.
4- Is she greatful for the help she gets from others and try to pay back ? ( will show you she has what?.. you tell me.)
after all the check list take a ground desition and know that you are entering in this relationship fully aware of her true self and that you want that in your life.
Keep in mind that any help or love you give has a price.Expect to a point to have thoughts like "i help you when you were down"