Quote:The most boring movie I have seen recently is There Will Be Blood. A horribly violent, abusive, ridiculous character portrayed by the nearly immortal (to me) Daniel Day-Lewis wasted on a story poorly edited. It seemed it was a film meant to be ghastly for ghast's sake only.
There was something dreadfully wrong with this movie...can't quite put my finger on it
Tom Cruise-Historical Film= Oxymoron
The Limits of Control. No plot, little dialogue, No acting and an all around incredibly dull movie. A 'Must See' for boring movie lovers.
Well I had to sit through twilight because it was my sisters birthday twilight= Boring as hell, yet my sister liked it...
TV is really milking it with vampire series and yet one of the best was cancelled -- "Moonlight." "True Blood" on HBO hasn't hooked me yet and there's another series coming in the Fall which looks suspiciously like "Twilight." Of course, there's a sequel to "Twilight" in production -- it's like the old Universal days and it makes me wonder why vampire movies and now TV series seem to multiply like, well, vampires, when the economy is in trouble. Is this some kind of sub-conscious wish dream that the world is topsy-turvy that we'd rather be bitten by a vampire and live forever? Or is it a parable to the blood sucking financiers, including banks?
Lightwizard wrote:
TV is really milking it with vampire series and yet one of the best was cancelled -- "Moonlight." "True Blood" on HBO hasn't hooked me yet and there's another series coming in the Fall which looks suspiciously like "Twilight." Of course, there's a sequel to "Twilight" in production -- it's like the old Universal days and it makes me wonder why vampire movies and now TV series seem to multiply like, well, vampires, when the economy is in trouble. Is this some kind of sub-conscious wish dream that the world is topsy-turvy that we'd rather be bitten by a vampire and live forever? Or is it a parable to the blood sucking financiers, including banks?
I think Vampire shows are just a really good formula, because they can appeal to sci-fi/fantasy fans (guys) as well as romance fans (women). Vampires can be portrayed as both villains and superheros and the shows can revolve around sex and power as well as mystery and horror. It's a very flexible formula and I think the audience mix allows them to capture a large viewer group.
The movie "What dreams my come" with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding Jr. hands down!
Why is this thread still going on? As I pointed out five years ago, it is a scientifically proven fact that the most boring movie in the world is The English Patient. That's it. Thread over. Move along, people, nothing to see here.
The most recent Harry Potter film.

You have no patience with The English Patient.
Entre les murs (2008) AKA
The Class. I never felt so compelled while in the movie theater to keep checking what time it was on my phone then when I was watching this well meaning/well intentioned snooze fest.
joefromchicago wrote:Why is this thread still going on? As I pointed out five years ago, it is a scientifically proven fact that the most boring movie in the world is The English Patient. That's it. Thread over. Move along, people, nothing to see here.
I've not seen The English Patient, but I can't imagine it's more boring than Yentl. I spent a week watching it one evening.
The first step is admitting that you've seen
Yentl .
I didnt find Ishtar boring, I kind of liked it.
I should probably reiterate my dislike of "When Harry Met Sally". Without question, the most worthless piece of crap ever put on celluloid.
An unabashed chick flick -- it's not too much wonder you don't like it, Wilso.
Coffee and Cigarettes
Watching paint dry would have been more riveting.
Thankfully I only wasted 2 mins of eyetime.
Body of lies i felt killing myself there was only me and little brother in the cinemas watching it and we walked out halfway through it was so ****
I had not been to the movies for about 5+ years, ever since I have been subscribing to Blockbuster. Last week, we were out of town, and had nothing to do one evening. We went to see "The Box".
The best thing that I can say about it was that I was tired, and slept through parts of it. Mr. P. liked it, but he is much more into fantasy and sci-fi than I am. He claims that it is a reworking of the old story, "The Monkey's Paw".