Going back to my kiddie days when we were able to go to the Saturday matinee for 3 pepsi cola bottle tops. I used to hang out at a friend's grocery store in the back room to watch tv (we didn't own one back then) where they had a soda pop machine...... Saw a bunch of Roy Rogers movies and cartoons. The owner's son used to take me with him to watch a bunch of cowboy movies. A few years ago, I was thinking of visiting my hometown, Sacramento, to take him out to a nice dinner, but learned that he passed away. During my high school years, I worked at a pharmacy as a sales clerk, and my brother and I used to go to movies by getting an advance on my pay.
On the same block as the pharmacy was a theater owned by two Japanese Americans called Lincoln theater. One of the owner had twin daughters that I have dated. I remember walking out on only one movie; Psycho in Chicago. It scared me so much, I had to walk out into the lobby. Boring movies? I just sat through them.