Coffee and Cigarettes
time in my life I will never get back
You could arrive 20-30 minutes late and still see the same movie. The rest of the movie is not too boring if you like horror and if you can tolerate jumpy "Blair Witch" type videography. If you can't, prepare for a snooze.
Not to argue, but that's actually what "Lost in Translation" is about--a washed up celebrity "phoning it in," goofing off in Japan. I mean, that's the plot; that's what his character is doing.
Please don't check your cellphone in the theater, it's more polite to leave. Malick will thank you.
What's the point of sharing your opinion, if you don't think other peoples' opinions count? Are we to value your opinion over own, just because you have an Ayn Rand quote in your signature?
And regarding that quote: have you determined that your own premise is correct in this case?
Totally agree. The Blair Witch Project was incredibly boring, dull, overlong. It was 77 minutes yet it felt like 4 hours. I honestly couldn't believe the snail pace that it moved at. The people who were scared of it must've led very sheltered lives and I don't mean that in an insulting way. I just really hated it and it came really close to falling aleep in the cinema a couple of times.
I liked Blair Witch at the time. It was a totally topical buzzworthy kind of flick. The marketing was ingenious and for what the film was, it worked. It does NOT work as I have subsequently re-viewed it. It just seems lame and yes, boring.
And if you have ever been lost in the woods for a few hours -- or days (as I have been) -- then you know the gradual and creeping paranoia, even psychosis, experienced by the kids is something quite real.
The most boring movie I have seen recently is There Will Be Blood. A horribly violent, abusive, ridiculous character portrayed by the nearly immortal (to me) Daniel Day-Lewis wasted on a story poorly edited. It seemed it was a film meant to be ghastly for ghast's sake only.
When Harry Met Sally. Worst movie ever.
Recently saw Gran Torino. The premise behind the story was fine, but I found it to be very meandering.
Harold and Kumar escape from gitmo - couldn't even finish it. Pathetic.
PDiddie wrote:
It seemed it was a film meant to be ghastly for ghast's sake only.
I'd put the mashin' of the christ in that category. 80 min of my life I'll never get back.
I like Harold and Kumar do White CAstle. However The Gitmos followup was a real loser.
Bill mAhers Religulous, sucks a huge one. The idea was great, there were good points to be made, but Bill MAher aint the guy to do it. Hes only interested in the one liners.
ANY "LARRY THE CABLE GUY" movie is horrible and unwatcheable. IS LTCG a harbinger of what our new generation is going to be like? My son loves em and I call him an idiot for doing so and he calls me an old fart.
I can disinherit him if he steps too far out of my sphere of control.
Mine would be Gods and Generals. It was also one of the longest films I've ever seen and dragged on so much that I actually fell asleep 3 times during it. I would have naps, wake up, see the movie was still going, and pass out again.
2001: A Space Odyssey
How many spaceship models can we see while they play "Blue Danube"?
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Obviously influenced by 2001. All cool blues and tedious plot. Not to mention it's simply a long-ass remake of one of the original episodes.
Eyes Wide Open
Even the gorgeous naked models couldn't save this.
My brother loved it. I think he was stoned.
DrewDad wrote:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Obviously influenced by 2001. All cool blues and tedious plot. Not to mention it's simply a long-ass remake of one of the original episodes.
I forgot about that one. And I generally like Star Trek, but that was awful.
To think the director of "The Haunting," "West Side Story," and "The Day the Earth Stood Still" came up with that mess of a movie. Gives a new meaning to the word "drone."
Drew Dad: "Eyes Wide Open?"
2001: A Space Odyssey
How many spaceship models can we see while they play "Blue Danube"?
Well, if you snooze a bit, as I did, the number could be countless, but you wouldn't have to know.
Valkyrie ------------(Tom Cruise) had no idea that Germans lost their accent when speaking English.
Pizza - I forgot that was the most recent Australian comedy I watched last week, I could of stabbed my eyes out with a fork, a drearily unfunny movie I had to endure.