Lightwizard wrote:I realize that old adage about one man's trash is another man's treasure but if one is already prejudice against a genre, they can add their two bits worth and it doesn't mean much.
I always believed that if you can't say something nice about somebody, you should say nothing. Believe me, I keep my mouth shut about you!
I guess I can safely say that you assume you know what my feelings about all genres are.
The original question was about what movies bore individual posters - plain and simple.
lightwizard - I'm not sure why you seem to feel the need to put down films I say I like, or slam my comments on films I don't like. You've got an opinion, I've got an opinion. That's it. Two people with opinions.
It's a shame, since discussions from differing viewpoints can be fun as well as challenging.
Well, maybe it's more.
I have defended the right of others to have opinions you don't share. That does seem to have put a burr under your saddle in regard to me.
With any luck, the ignore feature will be installed soon, and you can relax. You won't have to see me at all anymore. I won't be gone, just out of your line of sight.