Lightwizard wrote:Don't flatter yourself. Incidentally, you're suppose
to be in the smoking tent with that cigar. I also still wonder where that cigar has been.
Planet California doesn't think much of Ahnold any more.
I looked for the tent this morning, but couldn't find it. Someone said Michael Moore was wearing it.
If she has a film education, she will do well and could become an editor herself -- there's a need in Hollywood for editors, especially with all the TV shows like HBO and Showtime. Many don't realize they have to be edited as well. If she doesn't have a film education, UCLA has an excellent program as well as USC.
Michael and Peter Jackson are having a contest to see who can lose the most weight. Jackson has won so far, working night-and-day on the new "King Kong." My guess is that the weight didn't matter when making the most successful trilogy in film history. Ditto Michael who probably shouldn't have withdrawn "F 9/11" from the Best Documentary category for the Oscar. It would have won. Showtime is now showing the documentary at a time when the Bush Administration is gazing at their smog ridden sunset.
Thanks, Lightwizard. (I boast about my daughter every chance I get. I hope it is not too far off-topic.)
Katrina graduated college in May. She was a Communications major. She spent one semester with a Los Angeles film school and interned at the Nicklelodeon movies division. Here is a photo of her:
Film editing is a fascinating job and can make or break a movie.
Lightwizard wrote:... Ditto Michael who probably shouldn't have withdrawn "F 9/11" from the Best Documentary category for the Oscar. It would have won. ....
Do you think it would win in a head-to-head contest against "
This is Spinal Tap"?
Yes, but rather moot -- different time, different place.
fellas... fellas... lets get back on topic here huh?
Tico is trying to place "F 9/11" into the "mocumentary" category. Clever? Not clever enough -- it's becoming the epitome of facts adding up to the truth on a daily basis but some will go to their grave never admitting it. Karl Rove is the orchestrator and the melody is distinctly out-of-tune and you'll never convince some political geeks on A2K that their tongues are so far up Bush's ass that he now has multiple tongues (and nearly all of us cannot understand what the hell he's trying to say other than what the manipulators prompt him to attempt to communicate).
Now, back to the topic.
Okay, I'll let you have the last word. Carry on.
I think that 'Ghandi' must be the most boring film I've ever sat through.
It seemed to go on forever and I must have been day-dreaming all the way, because I really can't remember anything about it.
I'm afraid you're right -- I've had no desire to try and plow through that film again.
Ooooh LW,
.....Don't see that firey side of you often.

I wasn't advocating burning the film!
It was rather too high-falutin and ponderous for me, at least.
That line about the political advocates, will be forever etched in my mind as a "Lightwizardism"
Refresh my memory on "political advocates."
I'd have to go with The Age of Innocence as the most boring film. Granted, I saw it ages ago, so I might like it better now. At the time I thought it was baad
Not even my favorite Scorcese and I never could understand what he's got agains the classics.