Adrian wrote:OK Joe, but remember that I have already stated I think the criteria are ridiculous.
I believe that in 1998 Pakistan was not under the rule of a dictator.
I believe that martial law was not declared until 1999.
Fair 'nuff?
General Zia was the military dictator of Pakistan from 1977 to 1988. A highlight of his brutal reign came in 1979 with the judicial murder of his predecessor, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (the man responsible for initiating Pakistan's nuclear weapons program). Zia continued pursuing an "Islamic bomb," despite international sanctions intended to deprive Pakistan of the necessary means to produce an atomic weapon.
Even after the restoration of representative democracy in the aftermath of Zia's death in 1988, the military remained active in Pakistani politics. The current dictator, General Pervez Mushareff seized power in 1999 and has never followed through on his pledge to hold elections and step aside in favor of a parliamentary regime.
Now, you might argue that Pakistan was nominally democratic at the time that it actually tested its nuclear weapon in 1998. But, going by
Brandon's list, this is largely unimportant. After all, the list provides a reason for invading Iraq, and no one would suggest that Iraq has
ever actually produced a nuclear weapon. The more important time period, then, is the period
leading up to the development of nuclear weaponry (that would be consistent with point 1 of the list). Thus, the focus should be on the period of time during which Pakistan was actively involved in pursuing nuclear capability -- roughly from 1974 to 1998. And for much of that period Pakistan was ruled by an "evil" dictator.
Furthermore, there doesn't really seem to be a statute of limitations attached to
Brandon's list. Point 3, for instance ("the country has attempted to annex neighbors") apparently could justify an invasion in of Iraq in 2003, even though Iraq's last attempt to annex a neighbor had occurred 12 years earlier. So these criteria do not need to be
simultaneously true, but merely true
at some point, either now or in the past.