nimh wrote:
And that relates how to the topic of this thread? To Bush's changing justifications of the war on Iraq?
It relates like this. The development and use of WMD in the near future is a terrible danger. Dictators and terrorists want the weapons, they have a realistic chance of obtaining them, that chance increases every day, and once they possess them, they will be in a position to kill civilians in the West by the million. One
single use of one WMD would wreak destruction on a massive scale. In other words, we are in terrible danger, and the danger is increasing as the accessibility of the weapons grows.
At the time of the invasion, Bush made the decision that the odds that Hussein still had his weapons or his weapons programs, or would start development again once the spotlight left him, were substantial enough that action had to be taken to protect us from a crippling attack somewhere down the road. Or Hussein could even have refrained from using them and dominated the Middle East by the threat of their use.
Since civilization is in such great danger, I agree totally with Bush for erring on the side of caution.