Brandon9000 wrote:Many events that occur in the world can be regarded as the product of sequential probabilities. So the mere fact that this one is also the product of sequential probabilities does not make it improbable.
True, only one critical step would need to be improbably for it to be improbable. The sum of the improbability at each critical step would simply need to be more than 50% for it to be improbable.
That the probability is daisy chained isn't a guarantee that it's improbable. This is true.
That it is in a daisy chain simply amplifies the improbability at every critical level.
Lastly, please note that the mere fact that something occurs does not mean it was probable. So even if a occurance at the end of a sequential probability is realized it does not mean that the sum of the sequential probability was probable either.
Quote: Furthermore, what we are really dealing with here is a probability per unit time, so that the longer the future time period we consider, the higher the total probability of a WMD event within that period, barring a major change in the situation.
Agreed and this is yet another qualm I have as this introduces an element to your conclusions wherein you seek to project even further into the future for the conclusions you have for the present.
Again going back to pre-emption, a conclusion of yours from the present, the precedent does not allow for such distance (coupled with incertainty) in the threat it is responding to.
Quote:With the more powerful variants of WMD, even one single use in the US (or anywhere) could be a critical disaster. Think about it.
We have, over and over and over at your request. I'm going to skip over the part where you repeat again, the maevolence of certain weapons.
You've never met disagreement on that point but invoke it
ad nauseum.
Quote:Closely monitoring the borders is a good idea, but it will never be effective enough to stop determined and continuing efforts to smuggle something in, and just one single success ever could be a disaster.
Funny that you should mention borders, watch:
WMD are becoming increasingly accessible.
People within the US have shown a desire to attck within the US and in the future there will be more.
WMD use just once, would be a disaster.
We should invade ourselves pre-emptively?
Really Brandon, get to the conclusions as that is where the differences lie.
The rest was just another repetition of what you have said across dozens of threads for months now.
Again, can we get to the conclusions? Because, again, that is where the differences lie and we've heard the spiel at least a dozen times already (I am not exagerrating, I can bring you 12 or more links on A2K where you do this).
So please, let's get to the conclusions, we agree that WMD's are nasty and dangerous already (and any other stuff missing from this sentence that might motivate you to repeat it
what conclusions do you draw?