Sat 25 Jul, 2015 11:55 pm
The intentional stance is another short cut, and it goes one
better than the design stance. An entity is assumed not merely to be
designed for a purpose but to be, or contain, an agent with
intentions that guide its actions. When you see a tiger, you had
better not delay your prediction of its probable behaviour. Never
mind the physics of its molecules, and never mind the design of its
limbs, claws and teeth. That cat intends to eat you, and it will
deploy its limbs, claws and teeth in flexible and resourceful ways to
carry out its intention. The quickest way to second-guess its
behaviour is to forget physics and physiology and cut to the
intentional chase. Note that, just as the design stance works even
for things that were not actually designed as well as things that
were, so the intentional stance works for things that don't have
deliberate conscious intentions as well as things that do.
The intentional stance is another short cut, and it's even better than the design stance.
The intentional stance is another short cut, and it's one step above the design stance.
Does "agent" there refer to "A person or thing that takes an active role or produces a specified effect"?