One of my best friends is an ex-practicing pscycologist who used to do court appointed evaluations of parents in custody cases, and a lot of work with the court system in general.
It is his theory that there have always been a LOT of people with tendencies like these running around but in years past when the courts and the punishments were much harsher and the fear of the public at large greater, they were restrained by fear of retribution, which is no longer such a big concern.
I believe I agree. Unfortunately these people walk on technicalities or serve short sentences or go to mental health facilities while thousands of people do years of hard time for pot.
I am a firm believer in doing as you please IF it harms no one, but I think anyone who harms a child, or any person not mentally capable either through lack of maturity or disability of making a consensual decision, should be dealt with in the harshest and swiftest way possible.