@Frank Apisa,
Quote:Nah, Onevoice...you do not KNOW at all.
But apparently you cannot bring yourself to say the words...because you so fear the monster.
Anyway...today is another day we do not know if any gods exist or not.
But here are some pictures of my office after a recent redecoration.
I did not pick out the colors:
Frank, you are a silly man indeed. lol Love the pics and the colors even though you didn't pick them... hum... I wonder Who did...

God is not a monster Frank. I don't fear Him in the way you are speaking of... His wrath... raining down on me like fire... sending me into the depths of hell to suffer an eternity separated from Him. What I actually fear is not being honest about the truth that I know. Not because of hell fire, but because I was lost, hurt, lonely, angry, fearful, and about a million other things once.
Well more than once actually... I remember how that feels... every day, and God's love is the ONLY thing that changed that for me. Gave me hope while I was still completely buried and alone in my circumstances. I fear holding back and not giving others a chance to see that it's real, to experience it for themselves if they were to choose to. I fear people living an unnecessarily long time in misery as I did, when they just don't have to. I fear the depths those feelings can take a person to, and the decisions that can be made in that time, that don't have to be made. That's what I fear Frank. No God's wrath. He love's me just as much as He loves you.