I have been having something strange happening lately. Over the course of the last week every time I hear a certain song or see certain people here I get an image in my mind. A young boy, between nine and eleven years old. On his knees with his hands clasped together in a prayerful mannor. Only he is not praying. It is as though he is begging for mercy. Standing over him is a grown man with his hand drawn back about to knock the living daylights out of him. I am sharing it here, in this thread, because this is where I have been when the image is the strongest.
Who ever it is (I am not asking or pretending to know) I have a word for you from Him. The One you have been blaming for that your entire life. God did not do that to you. God did not "allow" that to happen. The man who did it is the only one responsible. God doesn't "will" for bad things to happen to us. Bad things happen because people are bad and make bad decisions sometimes. This is the song I was listening to this morning when I saw the image again.