I don't think I have personality issue. Or if I did that it was because of commentary frustration, rather then real problem.

I'm just normal, lovely, smart, intelligent, sporty, bold, charming, smart, handsome, cute, smart and great guy!
And did I tell you how smart I am?
Last few months I worked in hospitality industry, yet I am person rather from High Tech and ICT. You can understand the difference between me and my colleagues. I don't fit, don't belong there. Now I work only (less then) part time to take care of my own project, but if I meet gal, it's usually there. Please read the topic above about what kind of gals I meet - young, beautiful, but shallow.
I need to meet real personality (and beauty) in order to motivate myself. I am sure you understand what I mean. You can't strive for the best (both within you and for best partner) if you don't see the result. I need to find women that will make me feel : "Yeah, this is a great individual! I want to be with someone like her and I want to be worthy parter for her as well." Worthy partner means qualities I listed above.