Does anyone have the nerve to discuss this content?
Micheal Kinsey and co. admit left leaning. And the NPR is liberal.
Another overwhelming case of Dems shaping minds.....(Not that there should be a law against it.... I just wonder why it is so vehemently denied.)The Indiana University College Republicans
Press Release -- For immediate release
I.U. College Republicans Outraged Over Imbalance at PoliSci Department
At a time when partisan college course are in the news, the Indiana University College Republicans believe it is time to address an issue long ignored by the I.U. administration: the lack of balance at the I.U. Political Science Department.
For years, both the administration of Indiana University and the Political Science Department itself have ignored the problem of balance. This has led to bias, imbalance, and lost educational perspective at the Political Science Department. It has also led to abuse, as the Political Science Department has, in effect, become an organ of the local and state Democratic Party, with the administration's blessing, of course.
In October of 1996, I.U. President Myles Brand told The Indiana Daily Student that he only foresaw a favorable future (and favorable budget) if the Democrats took back the State House of Representatives and if Democrat Frank O'Bannon was elected Governor. In December, I.U. Chancellor Kenneth Gros-Louis told The Indiana Daily Student that "I am a great fan of (Bloomington Mayor John Fernandez, a Democrat) and have been for a number of years" (December 16, 1996). Gros-Louis wasn't just talk. According to Fernandez's off-year campaign finance report, Gros-Louis donated $700 in 1996.
It is little wonder that Democratic and liberal philosophies are flourishing at the I.U. Political Science Department. The Department is rife with professors who are active Democrats. Professor Tim Tilton, who helped organize the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee in 1981, was elected County Commissioner in 1988 and 1992. In 1996, he consulted with the Democratic State Committee on how to win county commissioner races. Professor Russell Hanson was appointed by the Democrats to represent them in a recount of a contested county council election in which Republicans won and took back the majority. In 1995, Professor Lawrence Hanks, also the dean of Afro-American Studies, attended a lecture by Ohio Treasurer Ken Blackwell (R), where he asked how Blackwell could be both Black and Republican. Finally, the public voting records show that there is not a single professor in the Department that votes Republican. No fewer than 15 professors regularly vote in Democratic primaries. (See below.)
There is not a single professor at the Department that regularly votes in Republican primaries.
The Indiana University College Republicans want balance at the Political Science Department. We ask that President Brand meet with us and our advisors. We also ask our state representatives, state senators, Congressmen, and our Governor to help end this situation and assist us in convincing the I.U. administration to add balance to the Political Science Department.
The education of Hoosier students shouldn't be one-sided or biased.
Voting Records of Indiana University Political Science Professors
PROFESSORS 96-95-94 92-91-90 88-87-86 84-83
Edward Carmines --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? ---
Elinor Ostrom no primary voting record
Jack Bielasiak -DD D-- D-D D-
Norman Furniss DDD D-- DDR D-
Russell Hanson -D- D-- DDD D-
Iliya Harik D-- --- DDD D-
Jeffrey Hart -DD --- --- D-
Marjorie Hershey DDD D-D DDD D-
Francis Hoole --- --- DD- D-
Jeffrey Isaac DD- -D- D-- --
Gregory Kasza No primary voting record
Leroy Rieselbach -D- D-- D-D DD
William Thompson --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? ---
Timothy Tilton DDD DDD DDD DD
Gerald Wright, Jr. --- --- --- -D
Patrick O'Meara registered but no record
Eugene McGregor (SPEA) DDD DDD D-- DD
Kenneth Bickers -RD --- --- --
Lawrence Hanks DD- --- --- --
Michael McGinnis --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? ---
Karen Rasler --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? ---
Jean Robinson -DD D-- --- --
Dina Spechler D-- --- --- --
Richard Stryker -D- -D- DDD D-
John Williams --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? --- --- ? ---
Explanation: A question mark indicates that records could not be found. A hyphen indicates that the voter did not vote or was not registered. A D represents a vote in a Democratic primary. An R represents a vote in a Republican primary.
Source: The Monroe County Clerk's Office.
Contacts: Sean Frick, Chairman. (812) 336-8319
[email protected]
This information originally appeared in THE HOOSIER REVIEW, a publication of the I.U. College Republicans.
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