williamhenry3 wrote:Liberals aren't popular on TV because the national media are controlled by the lunatic right-wing of the Republican party.[/i]
Liberal "Hard Commentary" doesn't sell. The reason there is no Rush Limbaugh-of-the-Left is that insufficient numbers of folks will tune in to justify the placement of the ad dollars needed to keep the show on the air ... as has been proven numerous times, and which Donahue is currently reconfirming. PBS is an oasis of "Big L" liberalism because it is unconstrained by market reality. It suckles at the public teat rather than working for its own living.
Alleging a "Conservative Media Bias" is disingenuous at best. A quote from the jacket of Bernard Goldberg's book
Bias* is illuminating:
Quote:Conservatives have been crying foul for years, but now a veteran CBS reporter has come forward to expose how liberal bias pervades the mainstream media.
The book is a NYT and both Amazon and Barnes & Noble Best Seller, and I believe has just been released in paperback, or soon will be ... making more affordable for liberals, I suppose. Not too surprisingly, the book has received little accolade, or even acknowledgement or mention, from broadcast journalists.
Some reviewer's comments:
Bias should be taken seriously .... Mr. Goldberg has done real homework ... he asks questions that are worth asking" - NYT
"This insider's account of Mr. Goldberg's career at CBS is filled with so many stories of repulsive elitism and prejudice on the part of his peers that it elevates
Bias to Must-Read Status. His case is airtight" - WSJ
"The allegation of liberal bias in the media is not a new one. However, in this book the allegation is made not by a Conservative but by a reporter for CBS News - an old fashioned liberal who has seen the bias first hand. Mr. Goldberg has written a courageous book and told a story that needed to be told." - W.J. Bennet
Bias is a fearless and vitally important book. In exposing the bottomless intellectual corruption within his own industry, Bernard Goldberg does what so many in the mainstream press only pretend to do: he tells the truth without regard to personal consequences" Cooleagues will surely accuse Goldberg of treachery, and worse. But it is he, not they, who upholds journalism's finest traditions" - H. Stein
"Bernie Goldberg is dead on. The astonishing distrust of the news media is rooted in the daily clash of worldviews between reporters and their readers and viewers." - U.S. News & World Report
Those who support the notion of "Conservative Media Bias" are required to support the proposition by themselves; the proposition fails to stand on its own. This no doubt is a source of embarrassment and dismay among the editorial elite who are forced to resort to subterfuge as opposed to direct marketing. Liberals and others inconvenienced by the $28 cover price of the hardbound edition may find the book at their local library, or search out the either recently or soon-to-be-released paperback. Consult the current edition of
Books In Print
* Bias, by Bernard Goldberg, Regnery Publishing, Washington DC, 2001. ISBN 0-89526-190-1