Lightwizard wrote:But does Rather report the news with the same rapid attack dog liberal bent? I certainly don't see it. Unless tearing up after reporting the day of 9/ll is liberal. I'd like to see some examples of Rather's rapid dog attacks on the conservatives.
Rather is a mixed bag, in my opinion; sometimes biased, sometimes laudably balanced. Perhaps that is the best one can hope for.
Lightwizard wrote:tresspass, you know that news is so stale now you are unlikely to still find archives to support how much exposure there was for those stories on TV. All I remember is both stories getting coverage.
I just checked,, and and all have archives that go back at least to 2000. Likewise I checked major newspapers and those I checked go back at least to 1996. So the archives exist, and every one I searched had no reference to the event. If you wanted to check for yourself, the information is available. (I would not have extended the challenge were that not the case.)
Lightwizard wrote:I actually don't get the significance of either story getting more or less coverage
Yes, I understand that you don't see this the way I and others do.
Lightwizard wrote:The late night comics are using news in a comedic/satirical way and are either conservatives or liberals on TV.
True, but they are not media personalities as we have been using the term in this discussion, and they choose their stories for the humorous potential, not the newsworthiness.
Lightwizard wrote:I don't see anyone proving that the network anchormen are blatantly pandering to the left leaving absolutely no voice for the right by omission or by some kind of manipulative way of scripting the news.
This is yet another example of your tendency to twist and exagerate the other point of view until it becomes ridiculous, then attack that ridiculous statement as if it was the other point of view. I and others have attempted to define what we consider bias in the media to be. None of those attempts is even remotely similar to the position you pretend we have taken. If you can't or don't want to argue the position I and others have taken, that's fine, but that straw man assembly line of yours is getting old. :wink: