Karzak wrote:ebrown_p wrote:Karzak wrote:As I see it, the NEA exists simply to maintain a status quo of education failing more and more every year. It is an organization that cares far more about protecting teachers than about educating children.
Teachers are the core of education.
Hmm, I would have thought that
students were the core of education.
The NEA exists to serve the teachers, not the students. I every issue from school choice to vouchers to required competancy testing the NEA has moved to protect a system that IS failing kids and gets worse every years.
This is to be expected, of course, the NEA is a teachers union, not a students union, it just bothers me to see teachers defend the NEA as protecting education when it does not.
The interests of teacher are the interests of students are one and the same. Your implication that somehow the teachers are opposed to the students is both offensive and ignorant.
The NEA supports many initiatives that any reasonable person would agree with. This includes smaller class sizes, providing classroom resources and materials and teacher development. They also advocate for recruitment of qualified teachers.
It is very difficult to make the argument that required competency testing is in the interest of kids. These tests away classroom time and lessens meaningful learning experiences. It has been shown to lower critical thinking skills. There are no studies that show any benefit that has come from this type of regionally mandated testing. There are many studies that show that it hurts learning experiences.
The issue of vouchers is a political issue of freedom versus fairness. Vouchers have been shown to favor wealthy kids. They reduce options for poor kids and take resources away from public education. This can be argued politically, but you should be intellectually honest in your argument. It is natural for teachers to oppose them in the interest of the students in public education. Vouchers are a negative for most students.
Finally, you repeat the much quoted myth that the system "is failing kids" and "get's worse every year". There is little more than political slogans here. The data do not back either claim. That you repeat it shows that you do not understand the issues involved.
Teachers are the core of education because they alone are with the students. They understand the needs of the students. When the teachers succeed the students succeed.
It is obvious that you have learned the conservative cliches very well. Your rhetoric doesn't show any kind of real thought or understanding of these issues.
The fact is you can not remove teachers from the education system. We need qualified professionals in the classroom who are well prepared and have the resources and support they need.
Good teachers are in the classrom because of the kids, and say what you will, there are many good teachers. They oppose standardized tests and vouchers because they are with the kids and know what they need.