now weve had 4" this week and Bill is still coming up route 70. He wont be here till SUnday.
I need to cut and bale hay .
0 Replies
Fri 19 Jun, 2015 08:37 am
We are down to lingering clouds and the threat of afternoon showers. Not a bad forecast at all. But we are in a wet pattern that has persisted since the end of winter or thereabout, and the weather guy claims it could be here through the coming winter.
Our temp, plus the humidity, will make it feel well above a hundred, sayeth the TV this morning.
Whew! You all can keep the humidity on your side of the state. Here on the other side we've been in the 100's for a few weeks now but the humidity's been in 20's.
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Fri 19 Jun, 2015 01:27 pm
Just glad I don't live in Vegas. I forget how much above a hundred it was, last time I went, but everything left in the car melted.
We were working up at Mercury Nevada one time and our rental car was a convertible and we left the top down and the car in the sun
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Sat 20 Jun, 2015 06:55 pm
Got one hell of a boomer a few hours ago. Lost electric four times. The dog ran in the yard to bark at one particularly loud expression of nature.
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Sat 20 Jun, 2015 09:49 pm
The storm I wrote about a bit ago was much worse than I thought. The neighborhood I live in has no power still (My home is on the line with the back neighborhood, so I have power).
A few miles from here.