edgarblythe wrote:
religious and financial motives
These are pushed on it by non or anti science types.They have no place in real science.
What do you know about "real science"? Have you done any scientific research or observation ?
Nearly all Christian believers have seen the Bible as an allegorical or metaphorical document for the past millenium at least, so you are beating a well-worn straw man.
Indeed the history of scientific observation itself, in many fields, ranging from cosmology to biology, involves the progressive development of more and more specific mnetaphors for what is observed and the processes assumed to be behind it all. General Relativity and Qunatum dynamics involve several fundamental metaphors - is it a particle or a wave, or an undescribed form of energy ? is a question fundamental to both. Ultimately most of our scientific "knowledge" is also metaphorical.
Biological evolution is an observable fact, but the theory behind it does not explain either the origin or existence of the universe or the life in it.
You need to reflect on the limits of science based on observation, therory and subsequent observations to confirm such dedfuctions and inferences. A little reflection on your own limitations wouldn't hurt either.