Setanta wrote:
For someone who says he doesn't give a damn, you sure have a lot to say.

Well that's been said to me before by others, and there's probably some truth there.
You are correct about Kelvin and the episode with Edison (He had also been involved in the effort to build a reliable transatlantic cable, and was being drawn a bit far from his field - theoretical and mathematical thermodynamics= partly as a rersult of his general prominence in science. Edison was an extremely pragmatic master of the application of new technology, who cultivated a reputation as a scientist, but who pursued his activities almost exclusively as a businessman seeking competitive advantage at every turn, and in a most unscientific way (though many other scientists do more or less the same, albeit in different ways).
I find it odd that you elevate science as an abstract thing so far removed from the characters and actions of those who practice it, (i.e. scientists). Do you do the same with other things as, for example, religion?
I believe science is what scientists do, nothing more. They are indeed fallible human beings, like the rest of us, and given to acts partly by greed, ambition, vanity and all the rest.