The topic is not scientists, it's science. That mope Kelvin was a sap, with Richard Strauss' attitude from
Ein Heldenleben. He seems to have seen himself as the scientist as hero, and was always shooting his mouth off on topics about which he knew nothing. Edison suckered him into condemning alternating current--Edison, of course, was heavily invested in direct current.
Regardless of what kind of fools any individual scientists may be, science is judged by the results it produces, not by the jokers who practice or claim to practice science.
Neo recently bragged that he is well grounded in the physical sciences. I find that hilarious in someone who promotes scripture as the inerrant expression of the word of god. I don't expect anything of you. I can ridicule Neo's silly claims without your help.
For someone who says he doesn't give a damn, you sure have a lot to say.