Sun 31 May, 2015 02:04 am
My bf and I have been going out for 4 years and tonight we went out to a bar like we normally do on Saturday nights. We were having drinks with our friend and a guy turned to him and asked him a question about what bars were good in the area. After chatting for a couple minutes, my bf turns around and introduces me And my friend by our names, not saying we're boyfriends. Then later, the guy asks my bf how long we've been dating and my boyfriend pauses for a bit until the guy asks if we're actually dating. I get upset and leave the bar. My bf later tells me he doesn't like telling strangers we're dating, that he finds it weird. He says he doesn't remember the guy asking the question later either. Am I overreacting? What are your thoughts?
How weird.
If your bf has been open about the extent of your relationship before, then this makes me wonder. You've been together for 4 years. Surely there have been other occasions when he's introduced you. What were those like?
I'll bet, dollars to donuts, that what he really meant was -
Quote:he doesn't like telling attractive strangers we're dating
There. Fixed it for him.
And I'm sorry if that's the case.
By not acknowledging you, (that you two are an item, going together, or whatever) he gives the impression that he is "available."
That's what this was all about.