old europe wrote: I think that's a somehow new aspect in your argumentation, ican. Are you saying that it is totally possible that there was no Iraq/Al Qaeda link, or am I misreading your statement?
No, it is not a
new apsect in my argumentation. I've been repeatedly posting my argument (for many months) without dependence on whether there was or was not an Iraq-al-Qaeda link.
Yes, of course it is
possible that there was no Iraq-al-Qaeda link. However, I have previously, repeatedly provided evidence from reference A (i.e., 9-11 Commission Report) that convinces me it is highly
probable that there was an Iraq-al-Qaeda link. But whether I am right about that alleged link or not, the existence of that Iraq-al-Qaeda link is a superfluous basis for the validity of my argument justifying our invasion of Iraq.
Reference A states that both Sudan's Islamist leader Turabi and Egypt's Islamic Jihad leader Zawahiri were both part of bin Laden's al Qaeda confederation. Reference A also points out that both these men had connections with Iraq that they wanted to preserve. So I think the connection (i.e., link) between bin Laden and Iraq was
probably through both men. But that is a separate and, in deed, superfluous, albeit
probably valid, argument altogether .