au1929 wrote: Comparing WW2 with our action in Iraq is ludicrous. WW2 was a war of necessity we were attacked. The present war in Iraq is a war of choice. President Bush's choice.
It's that statement of yours that is "ludicrous".
You might just as well have claimed that Roosevelt's declaration of war in 1941 against the Japanese, in reaction to their 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor (killing almost 2300) and their subsequent declaration of war on the US, was a war of choice. President Roosevelt's choice.
You might just as well have claimed that Roosevelt's 1942 declaration of war against Germany, in reaction to Germany's 1942 declaration of war against the US, was a war of choice. President Roosevelt's choice.
Al Qaeda declared war on Americans in their 1996 FATWA and their 1998 FATWA. Subsequently, hundreds of Americans were killed in several al Qaeda attacks prior to 9/11. Subsequent to that, more than a thousand more Americans were killed on 9/11, and many more since then.
Perhaps you're one of those who thinks the al Qaeda who fled into Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria after we invaded Afghanistan, but before we invaded Iraq, would have repealed their declaration of war against us in thanks for their new sanctuaries.
Perhaps you're one of those who thinks the US invasion of Iraq was hypocritical because we didn't also invade Pakistan, Iran and Syria. Never mind the cost in lives and limbs of three more invasions.
au1929 wrote: I will agree that very few people become free without it being costly and messy and I would add bloodshed and loss of life. However, the bloodshed and loss of life should be that of those fighting for liberty not ours.

The US should not fight for its own liberty by causing "bloodshed and loss of life" to others in our own defense of
our liberty? Surely you don't mean that, because that statement is worse than ludicrous; it's dumb, dumb as a pet rock; no it's dumber than dumb.