hawkeye10 wrote:
Seems calculated to get buzz to me, on par with those trashy celeb mags. It is interesting that the two blacks that I know about who have been on the show, this one and Whoopi, tend to violate black political correctness, but then again some of the whites violate white PC rules too. I dont know enough about the show to know for sure what they are up to. But I do know that I want to get away from deciding what a person is allowed do or say based upon the color of their skin.
Lord knows I disagree with your points of view most of the time hawkeye, but this one is spot on. People are people, no matter the color of their skin. If you want to fight discrimination and racism, then you need to work towards a future where everybody is equal. And PC stands in the way of that.
I read the link in that article, and I think the security guard, while showing excessive force is clearly not allowed, acted because the student had been warned. And if the host says both parties are to blame for the escalation, I concur. Frankly, I found the responses shown in the article more disturbing... They seemed to be the ones to distort what had been said.