Quote:You are pushing a one-sided extreme ideological narrative©.
No, "[the thread itself is] about the basis for the current material, rather than spiritual, reasons for questioning the future quality of life on this planet."
You are demanding the right to write political propaganda without it being challenged.
No, "you don't have to simply assume that the quoted article is a one hundred per cent reflection of the person who posted it and must be rigorously defended." I'm not writing the articles, I'm posting them. I don't care if you challenge them; I object to your repetitious bitching about the topic itself. It's the sort of behavior we expect from oralloy. "Let's ban the Democratic Party."
Moving right along:
Quote:I think this 75% number is a lie. I did some checking, the only 75% number I could find was on "biomass" from a single reserve in Germany.
The article describes the decline of insects. The study was made in Central Europe.
Similar declines have occurred in other parts of the world where industrial farming is practiced, where forests have been cleared, where wetlands have dried up. [Anecdotally I can attest to this myself – one of the traditional sounds of summer around here used to be the long drawn out trill of the dog-day cicada,
(Neotibicen canicularis). The absence of its song over the past five summers has been conspicuous.] The author never claims a 75% decline worldwide and specifically says:
Quote:Information about insect populations in the tropics, where most insects live, is sparse. We can only guess what impacts deforestation of the Amazon, the Congo, or south-east Asian rainforests has had on insect life in those regions.
Now look here:
theconversation.com wrote:But it may be possible that insects, who have survived for millions of years through a great many biological catastrophes, are finding a way to survive our presence too.
Sure, it may be. But no evidence is provided, no "scientific study". Sure, insects still flourish in environments which remain hospitable to them. But what amuses me is that maxdancona is now making an "argument by Google!"