Quote:No expertise is necessary to know that fraudulent data is no good.
But apparently expertise is necessary to know that good data is not fraudulent?
I believed that masks were an ineffective gimmick. Then I was presented with evidence, scientific evidence, that contradicted this narrative. So I changed my mind.
There are three things you can do with you are presented with scientific evidence that contradicts your beliefs.
1. You can change your beliefs.
2. You can ignore the evidence is stay with your preexisting belief.
3. You can declare the science to be fraudulent.
There is a
real problem with declaring institutional science to be "fraudulent" (and I write this for both Oralloy and Hightor). If you reject the findings of the scientific community
you can reject anything.
If you declare any fact that challenges your beliefs to be "fraudulent" then science will never challenge your beliefs. That makes science meaningless. You will just keep on believing what you want to believe anyway.