Cheney to drop out of race

Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2004 08:06 am
Ohhhh, people, people, people..... Rolling Eyes
Why don't you like Mr. Cheney?
He seems to be a forthright gentleman, dedicated to helping preserve the ideals of our country.
And your objection to him is? Question

(And, according to Mr. Kerry, Kerry did clone himself, got a younger, slightly less obscenely weathly puppy with better hair. Not a bad job at that.... Razz )
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Reply Fri 16 Jul, 2004 08:11 am
Top Ten Signs Bush Might Be Getting Ready To Dump Cheney


10. Cheney's official white house parking space is now in West Virginia

9. Latest bumper stickers read: "vote for Bush and (to be determined)"

8. CIA says it has indisputable evidence that Cheney will remain on the ticket

7. Cheney's been asking crooked oil companies if they have any job openings

6. All the white house defibrillator stations have been removed

5. Cheney's new I.D. card reads "valid through next Tuesday"

4. G.O.P. has spent 20 million dollars on campaign commercials giving exact location of Cheney's undisclosed location

3. Rumsfeld keeps jumping out at him from behind doors yelling, "boo!"

2. As with all major decisions, he's asked Cheney to figure out the best way to terminate the Vice President

1. Bush asked his dad if he still has Quayle's number
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Reply Fri 16 Jul, 2004 09:16 am
Cheney is one of the best things that willhappen to the democrats this year. He has become an obvious and substantial political liability to Bush. And, if Cheney leaves the ticket, no one with an ounce of sence will buy the story that he is doing it for health reasons.

With Cheney being a terrible candiate, the repubs really have no one to replace him with who would help Bush. Powell wouldn't do it. He has been wanting out of the insane asylum almost since the beginning. McCain has already said he doesn't want to be anyone's VP and he hates Bush. Giulliani is too liberal for the right wing extremist base. Plus he has issues that would bring into question his commitment to "family values." Forget Condi-the base would revolt! There is no way they will support a black lesbian for veep. Bill Frist does very poorly in the polling I have seen and can easily be portrayed as the lying hypocrite he is when the press points out that he is anti-abortion, except when personal profit can be made.

Maybe Bob Barr or Newt are available.
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