Cheney to drop out of race

the reincarnation of suzy
Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2004 08:33 pm
Hahaha! Laughing Good one, PDiddie!
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Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2004 08:38 pm
McCain as VP with Bush as P, is one of the best ways to beat Kerry!
That's a good Ha-Ha on "old Kerry". Mad
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Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2004 08:42 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
If McCain goes for the second chair with Bush, my whole thinking about him will change from good to evil.

Not me! Then it would be McCain for president in 2008 against H.C.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2004 08:50 pm
Lying George and Cussin Dick make a good pair. All christians and women must love them!
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Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2004 09:03 pm
PDiddie wrote:
Well, if he should drop out, he'll probably have plenty of time and energy to take his own advice and go f**k himself...

not enough dick....
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Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2004 09:06 pm
Yes, there's probably a fifth heart attack in there somewhere...
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Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2004 09:36 pm
"I have to say that I think the Republicans' attacks on Edwards as a 'sleazy trial lawyer' will misfire. That kind of thing appeals to the base, but most swing voters won't share that instinctive hostility -- and harping on it too much will just make the Republicans look like tools of Big Business ...

"My own prediction, by the way, is that at an opportune moment Cheney will drop off the GOP ticket for vague medical reasons and be replaced by someone whose selection will make a splash."

-- right-wing blogger Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit
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the reincarnation of suzy
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 06:26 am
Although the administration is currently saying they're keeping Cheney, I am expecting an October surprise. This admin and their "surprises" have become pretty predictable. I don't see McCain as being willing to play second fiddle, though, especially to Bush! Perhaps only as a stepping stone for 2008.
One talking points memo this week talks about the US supposedly urging Pakistan to hang onto a bunch of Al Quada bad guys til October. (We could have them right now, but it will look more "impressive" if it occurs right before the election)! Don't you love being "played" by your own government?
Meanwhile, Iraq is free and sending us back 4 more dead soldiers today! Now that two missions have been accomplished in Iraq, when do we stop losing soldiers? What's the plan here?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 09:58 am
Interesting article in this morning's San Jose Merc. "State poll: Kerry surges ahead." Here's the numbers: Bay Area - 26% Bush, 58% Kerry, and 5% Nader. California results - 38% Bush, 46% Kerry, and 7% Nader. 61% of voters polled disapprove of Bush's handling of Iraq, while 53% rate him poorly on the economy.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 10:02 am
suzy, what is frighteming is that the average person, perhaps most people, don't see through all of this.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 12:32 pm
I'm actually a bit concerned about the possibility that the GOP will get smart and kick Cheney off their ticket.

We're going to see more and more calls from Republicans (and pundits) to do so as their panic level increases.

From the Washington Post:

Officially, administration officials say there is no chance that Vice President Cheney will leave the campaign. But the "Dump Cheney" rumors continue to swirl in the press, fueled by a steady infusion of feeble poll results, poor reviews from the campaign trail, Cheney's own foul mouth, persistent Halliburton scandals and his continued and unsupported insistence on strong links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda.

And then there was this weekend's revelation that the doctor who has repeatedly assured us all that Cheney is fit to serve was allegedly illegally using narcotics. (Don't forget that the "Dump Cheney" conspiracy theorists predict that it all begins with an announcement that Cheney's heart problems have suddenly gotten much worse.)

Former Senator Alfonso D'Amato has called on Bush to replace Cheney on the ticket twice.

While the White House has given no indication that it plans on replacing Cheney (and in fact continues to issue firm denials, which as we all know mean absolutely nothing with this White House), how can the Democrats guarantee that Dick stays on the ticket?

I gotta idea. Idea

I'm thinking Kerry should call on Cheney to leave the GOP ticket.

This might ensure that Cheney stays ON the ticket.

I mean, how can they possibly remove him after Kerry publicly says he should go? Cool
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 12:35 pm
That reverse psychology is so frustrating when it backfires on you, though.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 12:41 pm
Sound plan.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 12:46 pm
The only reason Rumsfeld hasn't gotten fired is because it would look like a cave-in to Democrats calling for his resignation.

The Republicans are so terrified and testosterone-poisoned that they would keep Cheney on the ticket even if he died just to prove they weren't conceding something to the Democrats. Shocked
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the reincarnation of suzy
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 01:13 pm
It is frightening, isn't it Harper?
many people seem to forget that for a democracy to flourish, they are supposed to be involved and paying attention. We're not supposed to just hand it over to the highest bidder and trust that they're doing what's best.
I believe that many have learned that lesson in the past few years. We shall see...
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Liberal Goddess
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 01:25 pm
I think you will have to pry Cheney's cold dead hands from the VP chair.

However he's getting in more legal trouble and it will interesting to see if the RNC will force him out. You could witness in the near future a struggle inside the Republican party. I think many moderates and some more right wing Republicans see Cheney as a hinderance. However he wields a lot of power and is bascially the President.

There is no way McCain will be VP, Bush will use him to appeal to moderates but he's too aggresive to sit with Bush besides he wouldn't hold the strings as well as Cheney does.

Rudy has a pretty good shot if they managed to blow Cheney out of the bunker but he's got the whole mistress thing to contend with.

Hard to say what will happen but Cheney will not go quietly he's obviously slowly becoming unhinged and I'm not sure anyone in the Republican party has enough courage to go up against that man sane let alone teetering on the edge of insanity.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 02:49 pm
You guys all forget that Bush doesn't go by polls or listens to the (worldwide) populace.
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Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2004 03:40 pm
Stand back.

The Republicans are cannabilizing themselves:

ALBANY, N.Y. -- Former Republican Sen. Alfonse D'Amato is giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy by suggesting Vice President Dick Cheney be dumped from this year's GOP ticket, an outspoken former congressman said Thursday.

"It is difficult for me to understand why Senator D'Amato would issue his press release coming just days before the start of the Democratic convention," said former Staten Island Borough President Guy Molinari. "Surely, the Democrats will be using his statement to attack the credibility of the Bush-Cheney ticket."


"It is sad that a man of his background would make comments that are inflammatory and silly," said D'Amato when asked about Molinari's statement.


"There's a lot of feeling in the party that Dick Cheney is damaged goods," said Roger Stone, who has worked on numerous GOP presidential campaigns. "On top of that is Cheney's, shall we say, perfunctory campaigning style when he clearly looks like a guy who's not enjoying himself."


Remember when Denny Hastert responded to criticism about the ongoing fever for tax cuts during wartime by John McCain by responding, "Who's he? Is he a Republican?"

I'm tellin' ya, you're either with these miserable bastards or you're against 'em. (Did I say that first? :wink: )

Al D'Amato is a traitor because he spoke the truth. Rolling Eyes

And I'm in agreement with him. Shocked
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Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2004 07:40 am
OTOH, does anyone really believe that Cheney will dump Cheney?

He of course was the one in charge of the process of selecting the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate four years ago.

He couldn't find anyone more qualified than himself, so his recommendation to Bush was that he pick...him.

Fully aware of the caliber of the mind he was dealing with, Cheney knew the answer would be..."shore".

And Cheney has run things (from his POV, of course) splendidly ever since, mostly in terms of enriching himself beyond his wildest dreams; in part by flipping a terrorist attack on the US by a nebulous band of religious extremists into an invasion of the world's oil-richest country on a foundation of lies so profligate and so profound that he still repeats them today in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

He should step aside; hell, he should be hanged for treason from the flagpole of the Capitol.

I'm not sure which likelihood is more remote.

So, as long he stays on, the chances of them being voted out are much better than average.

That's a good thing.
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Brand X
Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2004 07:58 am
That's sort of like Kerry would have picked Kerry for a running mate if he could have cloned.
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