stl4life101 wrote:Especially since the response would more than likely be, "you need to talk to her about that".
you need to talk to her about all of this.
it's clear that you're not secure in the relationship and she needs to understand her role in that
it doesn't sound like either of you is in an emotional space to be married, or to even think of a serious relationship
she is still more attached to her girlfriends than to you - she cancelled plans with you because of them - I don't think that's a good sign. Just as I don't think women should cancel plans with their girlfriends because a guy asks them out, I don't think anyone should cancel plans with a significant other because of other friends'plans. It's simply not nice.
Take your time with all of this. Put the engagement thoughts on hold. Let her know how you feel about her cancelling the invitation. Don't get into a big debate about it - just let her know.
Continue dating - but take it easy while you both figure things out. She needs to figure out if she's ready to put you first.