Sun 10 May, 2015 06:01 pm
I have been talking to this girl for a few weeks now. When we first started talking she would always initiate the text but now she doesn't do it anymore. I usually have to initiate now. She does reply everytime though and fairly fast...
This is how our last conversation went
Me: Hey, I've been thinking...
Her: Sorry... been kinda out of it recently.. what's up?
Me: Nothing, are you alright
Her: I might fail a class and i'm scared asf
Me: Really? Which class
Her: Chem
Me: oh, well i'm sure you will pass just relax, you are really smart i see it in you
Her: I really hope you are right... Anyway what were you thinking about?
Me: Nah forget it, so wyd?
Her: No really say it... and i'm laying down.. i feel really sad
Me: I've been in your situation, its tough and even i felt sad about it at first but i kept moving forward, and about what i was thinking, i feel like this isn't the time to say it
Her: oh alright
I was thinking about telling her how i feel for her but idk i feel like i'm in the friend-zone so i didn't tell her because it might make things weird, am i in the friend-zone?
Also one time she called me "boo" and used a couple of emojis.. idk we have only been texting for a few weeks
We haven't even met in person yet but i'm positive that i like her. I just don't think she is interested idk
She's interested in passing her Chemistry class.
So leave her alone until she's done that.
'We haven't even met in person yet but i'm positive that i like her."
How can you work up a "like" just by texting?
When you meet her in person, then post back again.
Right now, all you have is texts and a fantasy crush.