Moody Street... More good GOOD restraunts than you can shake a stick at...

What she said!
Buttcrack o the Uninverse? Hurmph!
Look it's bored! Look it's bored! Wooohhheeeeeee! Hi!
Dable yay! Dable yay! Wow, the invites worked!
The place Jerry was talking about -- the B-Side? East Cambridge. Awesome bar. I haven't been there for way too long.
As for Waltham, it's, well, far...
Hi Bored!!!
B-side rocks, but it will be VERY crowded on thursday evening.
Cass, the only train that runs to Waltham would be the "purple one"
The Green Line D train runs to Riverside in Newton but that leaves you 2 miles from Moody Street. On the other hand the Express bus from downtown takes you right through Auburndale and up Lexington towards Moody Street. Not sure where it drops you but it can't be more than 1/2 mile from Moody St.
I used to live nearby, thats why I know these routes.
Hi folks! All righty, not going to Waltham, but if you all do go, have a great time!
B-Side is good (specially for moi!) but it's small and crowded.
For other suggestions there's:
Ned Devine's - Fanueil Hall (new, food court/middle building), beautiful upstairs room
The Burren - which has already been mentioned in Davis Square - red line
Lucky's - Congress & A Street, South Boston - nearest is South Station, but not really walking distance - plenty of on street parking
Silvertone - Bromfield Street (also small and crowded, but they have mac & cheese!), Park Street/red line
Rattlesnake - Boylston Street, tex-mex, green line
Cass, you can call the T and tell then the address you are leaving from and your destination and theyw ill tell you exaclty how to get there. If you tell the time you want to be there they can tell you what time to leave as well. 617-222-3200 (MBTA)
Wow, snoopster - I had no idea!
There are also a bunch of interesting bars in central square - on the red line.
waltham is far, but as SP said, there are tons of new places that have popped up in the last few years. every type of cuisine imaganable. i was just thinking of "crowded", parking, etc. and it sounds like you will have a good size crowd with you.
the bus from central sq or harvard drops you right on the corner of moody at the 'purple' line, right on the river.
as for being the 'buttcrack' of the universe, i don't think Gezzy would take to kindly to that one lol, it's a pretty up and coming area, being rehabbed little by little over the last few years. but it is a hike.
worth a looksee on a rany day. you might be surprised.
where exactly is the b side? i think i'll check that one out sometime. sounds good.
thanks sugar, i'm there next time i just "happen" to be in the area.
Have a GREAT TIME, those of you gathering in Boston! c.i.
Okay, um, we are going, uh, where on Thursday?
* Will I be able to park wherever the heck this is?
* Will I be stuck in some vortex while traveling there, never actually make it, go back in time and end up in 1979 with ugly bell bottoms and feathered hair?
* Will there be food?
* Will this be starting some time before I turn into a pumpkin at night?
Waltham is fine for me (hey, Brighton's not that far). Or Cambridge, long as directions are good. The T is generally not an option for me (unless you're going to the South Station area or somewhere that I can readily get to from there), but I know it is for other folks. I just need a parking space, and of course I don't have a sticker.
Dinnah would be nice, but not necessary.
Is that any help?
How about the Wonder Bar?
Or the Model Cafe,..
Both in Allston,..pretty easy to find.
Have a great time everyone, and don't forget to have a drink for me ;-)
I've lived in Allstoned, I've lived in Waltham.
Either has better meeting places than out here in the ru-burbs...
Hey kids. It's looking more and more like I won't be able to make it. Just in case, have a great time. If I show up, I'll show up.
