This weekend is out, working from Friday Night to Monday Morning.
Busier than the proverbial one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest, but someone e-mail me with details... Mrs. SealPoet and I would love to, but don't wait for us.
It's my birthday and their having a party without me...
Fer cryin' out loud! Okay, so I check email and I've got three invites to this place. . .So I'm here already! ;o)
Thanks Osso, jespah, and MassCass (is that her name here?)
Just tell me where we're going and when, but make it quick; the window of opportunity closes quickly around here. I'm off this weekend, then I go into like a ten day stretch. Then I quit my lob and live a life of leisure....LOL
Welcome, TerryDoo! Sorry for the duplicate invites....
Wow, I go out to dinner and so forth and the next morning there are lots more wonderful people and Terry has joined up and yay!!!
Okay, so some things came up here for specific days and my days magically firmed up. I think I'll be in town Tuesday 1/14 or Wednesday 1/15 until midday Saturday 1/18. So. I remember some people saying they were busy 1/18, but how about Friday night? Thursday night?
Conceivably, to accommodate schedules, we could have one early in the week in the evening, and then one on the weekend, perhaps the traditional brunch, and Jerry could do that cool thing he does with splicing the photographs.
A one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest?!?
any/all those days work for me
Hey TerryDoo!!
How 'bout me,..I sent you an invite too!!!
Anyway,..Glad you're here!!!
Fridays and Sat's are best for me,,..yeah.
yes..MC is me

hi terrydoo..glad to see ya
Okay mc, so this is during next week, and next weekend?
Alright, sure I could do the weekend thing at least.
Happy Bday to SP! What's the date? My sister's is the 13th. It'd be good to see you and the mrs.
TERRYDOOOOO!!!! Pueo will be very happy to see you've arrived! I am too, good to see you!
now that we have both a birthday and a graduation to celebrate we must devise a way in which toactually make this happen for the good of all we will...
Im just sayin....
Any ideas on where?
Have I ever said I was smart? I'm a slave to what I do! What can I say, I'm weak!!!
<throws open door>

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, my pretties, I've arrived.
The big shindig has yet to be decided, huh? I'll keep checking in.
Jerry: I didn't get your invite, sorry. Which address did you send it to?
Woohoo! It's TerryDoo! How the heck have you been girl?
There is strength in insanity. It is my only hope
Hmmm, strength in insanity? I like that.