It is my opinion that for file sharing to warrant a lawsuit from the copyrighted party there would have to be the intention for direct monetary gain or indirect through some website which exploits shared copyrighted material without permission.
This is the heart of what I have claimed, it is the origin of the Napster controversy although he gained recognition for the program he created I don't believe he originally made any money off of it. If it was done anonymously in the way I mentioned with a Torrent like program that is not maintained or credited to any individual or entity but updated and managed by users.
If no files are stored on a server, if there is no one to charge criminally or with a lawsuit except for the millions of users which share music around the world on this program. The program would be downloadable and it would link users who opt to share music/media files for free with other users. Governments and compnies would have to begin sueing, arresting, and charging individuals for merely sharing files without monetary gain, something which has not been done on a large scale since the war on internet piracy began.